High Street Intersection Upgrade

Hutt City written in dark blue with a representation of the river between Hutt and City. In smaller dark blue text below is Te Awa Kairangi. The logo is presented on a mid-blue background with light blue topographical markings. banner image

Boulcott and High St Intersection Upgrade

On 4 June 2024, work began to:

  • Install traffic lights
  • Improve pedestrian crossing facilities, including accessibility ramps and footpaths
  • Raised safety platform
  • Lane reconfiguration within the intersection

Construction is usually between 9am and 4pm on weekdays, however traffic management activities may still be in place before and after these times while the team sets up or closes the site. Traffic delays are expected, so please plan your travel and avoid driving through the area during peak times where possible. Emergency vehicles will have priority access.

Work is expected to take four months, weather dependent.

bus stop changes

The project was approved after consideration of development in this area, growing congestion and future growth. Council assessed that improvements to intersections are needed to improve traffic flow and safety for all road users, particularly those coming in and out of Boulcott St.

Adding traffic lights with signalised pedestrian crossings to the intersection will greatly improve safety and manage traffic congestion.

What changes will there be to bus stop locations?

During the roadworks:

  • Bus stop 9223 on High St will move from just before Harley Grove to opposite the main hospital entrance at 691 High St.
  • Bus stop 8123 will move from opposite 1 Harley Grove to just before the main hospital entrance on High St.

If you have any questions, please email us transportprojectdeliveryteam@huttcity.govt.nz


We need to remove carparks to allow appropriate space for motorists' manoeuvres/navigation, installation of signal poles, installation of raised intersection platforms, and a new accessible ramp/footpath.

We will be removing nine existing car parks (red) and adding two new spaces (blue)

  • Five carparks removed outside Hutt Hospital (High Street)
  • Two carparks removed outside the dairy  (High Street)
  • Two carparks removed outside Brew’d Boulcott (Boulcott Street)
  • Two new parks outside Hutt Hospital (High Street)

Boulcott Street

Boulcott Street intersection

Based on traffic modelling we don't expect these interventions to create a delay, but they will reduce wait time for those entering High Street from Boulcott St. The upgraded intersection will allow for safe navigation and dedicated phases for side road traffic, safe pedestrian crossings on all sides, and the ability to cope with traffic growth.

This intersection was under consideration for improvements as part of this project but has been deferred. We’ll advise the community when we have an update on this work.