The Low Carbon Acceleration (LCA) Fund is now open. Round #2 of the fund is open from 28 February to 31 March 2025.
About the Low Carbon Acceleration Fund
This fund was established to accelerate progress towards a 50% emissions reduction by 2030 and the city becoming net zero by 2050.
Hutt City Council earns carbon credits under the Emissions Trading Scheme for forests in some of its reserves. The units can be sold and the revenue can be used to invest in carbon reduction opportunities. To ensure that the Low Carbon Acceleration Fund is cost-neutral to Council, the financial envelope of the Low Carbon Acceleration Fund for each round is based on the number of credits earned in the previous year.
To be successful, applicants must demonstrate there will be a permanent emissions reduction from their proposed project.
Eligibility criteria
You must:
- Be a legal entity. This could be a business, club, trust or other legal entity
- Have a project that reduces emissions
- Propose a Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt-based project that would result in a permanent emissions-reduction
How to apply
Fill in our Response form here. If you have any questions, please email
Documents you'll need
- Detailed criteria and application guidance
- Application form
- Proposed funding agreement
- Example Application Form
Available funding
A maximum of $40,000 of 50% co-funding will be available per applicant, noting this is a competitive fund so it is possible not all projects will receive funding.
What we don’t fund
- Projects involving the displacement of one fossil fuel by another, or those focused on transitional technologies (e.g. hybrid vehicles)
- Research and development, or the implementation of technologies or infrastructure that are not yet commercially available (as EECA has a Technology Demonstration Fund for this purpose)
- Projects involving the installation of insulation or heaters in private homes (as relevant support is available through EECA’s Warmer Kiwi Homes programme)
- Projects that already receive funding for the same purpose from another public investment fund
Please note: Council is also running a Community Climate Action fund, the table shows some of the similarities and differences between the two funds.
Low Carbon Acceleration Fund | Community Climate Action Fund | |
Funding dates | Once a year between 28th Feb - 31st 2025 | Between 10th Feb - 17th March 2025 |
Funding amount | Up to $40,000.00 of co-founding, meaning applicants need to match funded amount by putting in at least 50% of the cost of a project | Applicants can use short-form application projects under $10,000.00. If applying for more, then applicants must be a legal entity and fill in a more comprehensive application form. Applicants can receive 100% funding for projects. |
Key eligibility criteria |
- Must reduce emissions. - Must be a legal entity. - Must be able to provide 50% of funding. - Must happen in Lower Hutt. |
- Must reduce emissions or waste. - Applicants wanting more than $10,000 must be a legal entity. - Must be community-led. |
Where does the funding come from? | Funding comes from the sale of carbon credits from native forests the council owns. The funding envelope changes each year depending on forest growth and carbon price. | Funding has been redirected from the Local Projects and Community Engagement Funds. |
Video description: Webinar Low Carbon Acceleration fund explainer
Successful applicants from round one were:
- He Puāwai Trust - for an electric van to transport locally produced food across the city - this will replace the use of a diesel ute for deliveries.
- Rudolf Steiner School Trust - for the replacement of single glazing with double glazing to reduce their requirements for heating.
- Wesley (Wellington Misson Incorporated) Rātā Village in Naenae - for replacing a petrol vehicle with an electric vehicle for their staff and residents to use.
- Y Central - for installation of LED lighting in their managed accommodation facilities.
- Youth Inspire - for the purchase of an electric vehicle to provide free driving lessons to rangatahi as part of their programme of helping youth access employment opportunities.
More information
In the 2021/22 financial year, Lower Hutt emissions were reported to be 475,520 tCO2-e, with transport emissions making up half of this and stationary energy making up another 30%. While the Council is working hard on reducing its own emissions it also wants to support those across the city to make reductions.