Resident Satisfaction Survey 2025

Our Resident Satisfaction Survey is BACK, so time to have your say on Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt - what you like, what could be done better, and what you'd like to see.

From roads, to bins, to community centres, we want to know what you think. Plus, you’ll even get the chance to say how you rate Council...

Your feedback will help us to understand how you feel about the services and facilities that we operate, and it helps to inform our mahi.

This survey only takes 10-15 minutes to complete.

Plus, at the end of the survey you can enter a prize draw to win one of five 12-month combined Hutt City Council pool and gym memberships. These include access to all Hutt City pool facilities, as well as the fitness suite facilities at Te Ngaengae Pool + Fitness, Huia Pool+Fitness in Hutt Central, and Stokes Valley Pool+Fitness.

Click here to get started!

Any questions? Give us a call on 04 570 6666 or email

Hutt City Council and PublicVoice respect your privacy and take the protection of your personal information seriously. The information collected in this survey will be used for the sole purpose of the survey as outlined below and will not be used for any other purpose. The survey is voluntary.

Who can access your information?

As well as authorised Hutt City Council Staff, your information is shared with Hutt City Council’s contracted research provider, PublicVoice and any third parties they use to deliver their services, including Alchemer. For more information on how these parties handle your data, please refer to their privacy policies:


We value your privacy and confidentiality. Only authorised staff have access to your information. To protect your privacy, your survey responses will be treated with care and anonymised after the survey is closed. Hutt City Council will prepare all analyses, reports, and insights in an aggregated form.

Retention of Information

Your personal contact information will be held for a maximum of five months and not used for other projects/consultations.

Access to Information

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you and to have it corrected if you think it is wrong. If you would like to request a copy of your information or have it corrected, please get in touch with Hutt City Council’s Research & Evaluation team at

What is Resident Satisfaction Survey (RSS) 2025?

This is Hutt City Council’s annual survey where we ask residents to tell us what they think of our facilities and services across Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt. We want everyone to have their say – all the ages, genders, ethnicities, backgrounds and cultures that make up our amazing city.

The feedback that residents provide is a huge help in both getting an accurate picture of how people use our services and facilities, and how each service or facility is doing in meeting their needs.

Plus, at the end of the survey you can enter a prize draw to win one of five 12-month combined Hutt City Council pool and gym memberships. These include access to all Hutt City Council pool facilities.

How long is RSS 2025 running for?

The survey goes live on Monday 10 February 2025, and will close on Friday 14 March 2025.

How long will it take to do the survey?

It should take about 15 minutes to complete.

What will my feedback be used for?

Your feedback is vital in letting us know what we’re doing well, what we could be doing better, and what we could be doing different across Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt. It’s the most effective way for you to let us know your thoughts on council facilities and services!

I don’t live in Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt, can I still give feedback?

Afraid not – the Resident Satisfaction Survey 2025 is exclusively for people living in Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt.

I rent my home here in Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt – can I still give feedback?

Absolutely! Feedback from renters and homeowners is equally valuable, so please do take part. We want to hear from everyone who lives in our city, including those renting, those who own their own home, and those who living with family.

Can I take a paper copy home and submit it later?

Yes indeed – just grab a copy from one of our community hubs or the main Council building at 30 Laings Rd, Hutt Central. Once you’ve completed the survey, bring it to one of these locations for submissions!

How old do I have to be to take part in the survey?

If you’re 16 or older, you can take part.

I changed my mind / made a mistake in my survey submission. Can I change my response?

You’ll be able to review all of your responses before you submit them. If you have any questions or think of additional information later, please contact our research provider PublicVoice via

Can I complete the survey in another language?

The survey is only available in English this year. However, we are considering offering translated versions in the future.

How do I use a QR code?

Use the camera app on your smartphone or download an app that lets you scan QR codes. You will need to have data or Wi-Fi for the QR code to connect to a web link with the survey.

How is the Council seeking better representation from Māori?

Hutt City Council’s Resident Satisfaction Survey has seen a significant refresh. The 2025 survey aims to capture the thoughts, feelings, experiences and opinions of our diverse communities across Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai, including Māori. Important changes to the way the survey is accessed and engaged with will give us better representation and help us to ensure we deliver a positive difference for all across our city.

This includes:

  • Involving our hubs, libraries, Connected Communities and Te Tira Māori staff in engagement planning and delivery
  • A roll-out of visual promotion to maximise engagement with everyday visitors.
  • 7000 postcards inviting participation in the survey to be mailed out across underrepresented and underserved communities
  • Making the survey more accessible to complete through online and paper options
  • How have the views of Mana Whenua been incorporated into this process?

A concern raised by Mana Whenua was a lack of data around the impacts of Council planning and programming on Māori whānau (e.g. what do they think about Council services, and what population changes may be occurring across suburbs).

In response, Council now collects data on people’s iwi and hapū affiliations (should they choose to specify). This helps us to understand the whakapapa of Māori that call Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai home. It also creates an evidence basis that operations can link to known health and wellbeing outcomes related to ‘connection to culture’ or the effects of ‘urbanisation.’

This information (aggregated results and insights) may also be shared with Council’s Mana Whenua partners and marae across Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai to support their own service delivery across the city.

Can I fill this out on behalf of someone else or multiple people?

This survey is for your own individual satisfaction levels with Council services. You can fill it out with someone else, so long as they give the answer to each question personally.

Can I do the survey anonymously, and will my details be safe?

Absolutely, you can take this survey anonymously and your privacy is of top priority to us. You will be asked for your email address if you want to go into the prize draw. You can view our privacy policy at We do not discuss, disclose, disseminate, or provide access to survey data / identifiable information. Responses from the survey will be stored in a secure, password-protected folder that is accessible only to the Council’s Research and Evaluation team, who analyse this data and present insights. Paper surveys will be recorded electronically and destroyed safely afterward.

Can I exit the survey at any time?

Yes, you can exit the survey at any time. However, incomplete survey responses may be removed and not used in analysis where applicable.

Can I have a copy of my own feedback?

If you have left your name and contact details where asked, you can contact PublicVoice via to ask for a copy of your personal feedback.

Can I sign up to do more surveys with Council?

Yes please, we’d love that! Be sure to sign up to Hutt City Views via to get these sent to you directly, and keep an eye on our consultation website at for any current projects we have going on.

How will I see the results of this survey?

Insights from the survey will be available on our website later this year. Some selected feedback (satisfaction with water services and roading) is needed to report on our KPIs and our Long-Term Plan.

Will I be contacted further after I’ve given my feedback and personal information?

You will only be contacted by entering your email address if you have won the prize draw.

What should I do if I have any further queries regarding the survey?

If you have any further questions, please contact us via