Food banks Here are some local foodbanks, pātaka kai and food rescue operations that provide free access to kai.
Older people Hutt City Council is committed to making Lower Hutt a great place to live for people of all ages, for now and the future. Find out what services are available to older people living here.
Welcoming Communities This guide to Lower Hutt provides basic settlement information for people who have recently moved to the city to live, work, or study.
Women's refuge Find out about the Hutt City Women’s Refuge and how they help women and whānau in need.
Youth There are organisations throughout Hutt City that are dedicated to making a difference in young people's lives. Find out about them here.
Zero data portal Use this site to get free access to a range of NZ government, health and education websites from your mobile – you don’t need data but you do need it turned on.
Eco Design Advice Homeowners and tenants: Get a FREE home assessment to make your whare (home) warmer, healthier and more energy-efficient.