Building consents

Objective Build is Hutt City Council's online portal for lodging applications for building consent.  Unless otherwise agreed, all applications for building consents should be lodged using Objective Build.  We also use the GoGet inspection system to improve the quality of the building inspection process and the maintenance of inspection records.

A Building Consent Authority (BCA) operates within the full scope of accreditation and regulatory requirements as outlined in its current Certificate of Accreditation. As a Territorial Authority (TA) under Section 7 of the Building Act 2004, Hutt City Council is responsible for carrying out BCA functions for all buildings within its jurisdiction which does not include dams or appurtenant structures. To find out more about dams or appurtenant structures refer to the section Building consents for new dams or alternations section on the Great Wellington website: Greater Wellington — Dams

The resource consents and building consents counter at Laings Rd admin building is open 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday.

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Read our most recent newsletter:  Kaihanga March 2025