Current roadworks and disruptions

Find out where approved roadworks are happening around Lower Hutt.

Roadworks and traffic disruptions

Urgent road closures will be announced on the Hutt City Council Facebook page.

There may be some delays during these works so please plan your travel accordingly. Works are weather dependant. Thank you for your patience.

Ongoing Howard Road, Pt Howard More information 
Ongoing: Monday - Friday Marine Drive, Eastbourne & Eastern Bays Construction of Tupua Horo Nuku Eastern Bays Shared Path is taking place along Marine Drive at Mā-koromiko and the Northern end of Days Bay. There is one-lane Stop / Go traffic control in place during work hours (7am – 5pm) and the speed limit through the work area is 30km/h.

More information on Tupua Horo Nuku can be found here.
10 February-14 March 2025Vogel Street - Cambridge Terrace Full Road Closure
March (TBC) 2025Reynolds Street, Taine Street till IntersectionRoad Closed with Detours
March (TBC) 2025 Naenae Road, Waddington Street to Seddon Street RABResealing - 4 way Stop/ Go
1 March 2025Karamu Cres - whole stretchResealing - Road Closed with Detours - Residents Only Access
2 - 5 March 2025High Street - Park Ave to Daysh Street RABLane closure with detours - residents only access - nightshift
3 March 2025 Waterloo Road & Extension to Oxford Tce Waikato Street to Oxford TceResealing - Lane Closure with 1 way detour - Residents Only Access
3 March 2025Wise Street, Russell Road to Castlerea StreetResealing - Lane Closure with 1 way detour - Residents Only Access
4 March 2025Parkway North Bound - Wainuiomata road to Mohaka StreetWatercutting - Road closed - detour and residents only access
4 March 2025Naenae road - Waddington Street to Seddon Street RABResealing - 4 way Stop/Go
5 March 2025Moohan Street, Petrie Street to Nelson CrescentResealing - 4 way Stop/Go
6 March 2025Muritai road, Rimu Street to 152 Muritai RoadResealing - 3 way Stop/Go
6 March 2025Parkway North Bound - Wainuiomata road to Mohaka streetHF Surfacing - Road closed with detours - residents only access