Parking and your privacy

Hutt City written in dark blue with a representation of the river between Hutt and City. In smaller dark blue text below is Te Awa Kairangi. The logo is presented on a mid-blue background with light blue topographical markings. banner image

Parking Services Privacy Statement

We collect personal information from you, including:

  • Photographs of your parked vehicle.
  • The license plates of your parked vehicles.
  • The location of your vehicle when it’s parked in the Hutt City District.
  • Vehicle registration details from the New Zealand Transport Agency database.
  • ·Payment information for infringements.

We collect your personal information in order to:

  • Monitor and enforce parking restrictions.
  • Gather data on parking occupancy rates, for:
  1. The development of Parking Management Plans and Policy decisions
  2. The purposes of city planning
  • Enable you to pay for parking infringements.

The information and data is collected under the following legislation:

  • Land Transport (Offences and Penalties) Regulations 1999
  • Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004
  • Land Transport Rule: Tyres and Wheels 2001
  • Resource Management Act 1991

Besides our staff, we share this information with:

  • Our enforcement software solution provider in order to generate infringement fines.

When submitting payment via credit card, you will need to provide further information to Windcave to complete your payment. You can read Windcave’s privacy statement here

Information you provide to us is kept securely in Hutt City Council’s information systems and with our enforcement solution provider, as appropriate. This information is only accessed by authorised staff.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact