EV charging locations

It’s easier than ever before to charge your EV in our city.

Charging your electric vehicle (EV) in our city is quick and easy! There are EV charging locations available throughout Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt, and you can use these while checking out our libraries, parks and hubs!

Find fast-charging stations on this map, and get all the facts below.

Most Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt residents now live within 3-4km of an EV charging station. You can find more EV charging stations via www.plugshare.com

Note: You should only park in EV charging spaces if you're charging an EV car.  If you park in an EV charging space with a regular car, you might receive a fine.

Top EV facts:

  • EVs emit 90% less CO2 than an equivalent petrol vehicle when being driven in Aotearoa / New Zealand because of our highly renewable electricity grid.
  • It is significantly cheaper to run an electric car compared to an equivalent petrol vehicle, even with road user charges factored in.
  • DC fast chargers (shown in the above map) offer a faster charge. All DC stations are equipped with cables to fit all vehicles. AC chargers offer a slower charge and are sometimes free but you may need to supply your own cable.
  • Charging at home and overnight is usually the cheapest and most convenient way to charge. Have it full when you wake up.
  • The energy for running EVs is measured in kWh. So the cost of using charging stations is typically shown in c/kWh. For detailed information and pricing for each charger site, download the app for each service provider.
  • For Hutt City Council’s stations, please go to zero.meridianenergy.co.nz

How to use an EV charger

There are a few types of chargers, but they all work similarly.

  1. Find a charging station
  2. Plug in your vehicle
  3. Start your session via the app, QR code or fob
  4. Monitor your charging session via the app
  5. Unplug and move your car as soon as you’re done, as overstaying fees may apply

Pricing and Rates

Prices are set by the operator and may differ depending on location.

Our charging stations

Hutt City Council’s EV charging stations are operated under Meridian Energy’s Zero brand and were installed with co-funding from the Government’s Low Emission Transport Fund (LETF), administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).

Why use an EV?

EVs emit 90% less CO2 than an equivalent petrol or diesel vehicle, so using an EV are effective actions to tackle the causes of climate change. The accessibility and value of our EV chargers will play a part in that.

Want to reduce emissions even further? You could always give a bike / electric bike a spin!

Want to find out more about EVs? Visit www.electricvehicles.govt.nz

Contact details

Email: Parking.Staff@huttcity.govt.nz