Fees and charges

Find out about our licencing fees.

Alcohol licencing fees

Class TypeDefinition
Class 1 RestaurantsRestaurants with a significant separate bar area which, in the opinion of Council, operate that bar at least one night a week in the nature of a tavern, such as serving alcohol without meals to tables situated in the bar area.
Class 2 RestaurantsRestaurants that have a separate bar (which may include a small bar area) but which, in the opinion of Council, do not operate that area in the nature of tavern at any time.
Class 3 RestaurantsRestaurants that only serve alcohol to the table and do not have a separate bar area.
Class 1 ClubsClubs which, in the opinion of Council, are large clubs (with 1,000 or more members of drinking age) and which, in the opinion of the relevant Council, operate in the nature of a tavern at any time (for example a large working men's club, combined clubs, or large 'cossie' clubs).
Class 2 ClubsClubs which do not fit class 1 or class 3 definitions (for example larger sports clubs, medium sized RSAs, many provincial social clubs).
Class 3 ClubsClubs which, in the opinion of Council, are small clubs (with up to 250 members of drinking age) and which operate a bar for 40 hours or less per week (for example small sports clubs like bowling, golf and bridge clubs, and small RSAs)

Add the three weightings together to get a "cost/risk" score.

Type of licenced premisesWeighting
Bottle store, supermarket, grocery off-licence 15
Night clubs, taverns, adult premises, "Class 1" restaurants 15
Off-licences in a tavern 10
Hotels, function centres, "Class 1" clubs, "Class 2" restaurants, universities and polytechnics 10
Remote sales, "Class 2" clubs, "Class 3" restaurants 5
Theatres/cinemas, wine cellar doors, BYO restaurants, "Class 3" clubs 2
Latest alcohol sales timeWeighting
On-licences and clubs before 2:01am 0
Off-licences before 10:01pm 0
On-licences and clubs 2:01am to 3:01am 3
Off-licences 10:01pm and later 3
On-licences and clubs - all other closing times 5
Number of enforcements* in the last 18 monthsWeighting
None 0

*Enforcement has the same meaning as a "Holding" under section 288 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012

Risk CategoryCost/risk scoreApplication FeeAnnual Fee
Very Low0-2$699.20$305.90
Very High26+$2,294.25$2,731.25

Application fees for special licences are calculated according to the size and frequency of the event or events covered by the special licence.

Special licence classType/number of events2024/2025 Fee
Class 1
  • 1x large size event (400+ people)
  • more than 3 medium events (100-400 people)
  • more than 12 small events (less than 100 people)
Class 2
  • 1-3 medium events (100-400 people)
  • 3-12 small events (less than 100 people)
Class 3
  • 1-2 small events (less than 100 people)
All classesLate application administration fee for special licences$120.00

Fee reduction guidelines for Special licences

The fee payable for any special licence application may be assigned a fees category that is 1 class lower than specified in Clause 10 (1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Fees) Regulations 2013.

The reduction is available only if:

  • the application is for a Class 1 or Class 2 special licence;
  • the event or series of events is a community or fundraising activity that will benefit the community or recognised charities;
  • the special licence holder is not a commercial entity that will make any commercial gain from the event;
  • no infringement notice has been issued for related events in the last year.

Requests for a reduction in fees must be in writing and include the reason why you believe you meet the criteria. Please note, it is not guaranteed that the fee reduction will be approved.

Late Special Licenses

From 1 November 2024, all late licence applications will include a non-refundable late licence fee in addition to the application fee.
The only exception to this is an application for a funeral.

Under Section 137 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act), applicants must apply at least 20 working days in advance (not including the day of the event).

They must take the following non-working days into account when calculating the working days (pursuant to Section 5 of the Act):

  • A Saturday, a Sunday, Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, the Sovereign’s birthday, Te Rā Aro ki a Matariki/Matariki Observance Day, and Labour Day
  • If Waitangi Day or Anzac Day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the following Monday
  • A day in the period commencing on 20 December in any year and ending with 15 January in the following year.

Description2024/2025 Fee
Manager's certificate - new or renewal application$316.25
Temporary Authority (3 month term)$563.75
Appeal to Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA)$517.50
Public Notice for Alcohol Licence applications (Council website)$155.00

Health registration fees

Food Act 2014 Registration2024/2025 Fee
Application for registration of Food Control Plan (FCP) based on a template or model issued by MPI $390.00 (includes 2 hours processing)
Application for registration of a business subject to a plan or model for National Programmes $390.00 (includes 2 hours processing)
Application for renewal of registration $195.00 (includes 1 hour processing)
Application for amendment to reigstration $195.00 (includes 1 hour processing)
Significant amendment to Food Control Plan $195.00 (includes 1 hour processing)
Additional time $195.00 per hour

Food Act 2014 Verification2024/2025 Fee
Verification of a Food Control Plan (FCP) based on a template or model issued by MPI $195.00 per hour for all verification activities, including travel time.
Verification of a plan or model for National Programme 3 (NP3) $195.00 per hour for all verification activities, including travel time.
Verification of a plan or model for National Programme 2 or 1 $195.00 per hour for all verification activities, including travel time.
Cancellation of a verification within 3 days without acceptable reason $195.00
Inability to verify an FCP or National Programme at the scheduled time, or to carry out the verification due to the absence of key personnel, or the FCP, or records not being available $195.00 in addition to any time spent, at $195.00 per hour

Food Act 2014 Compliance2024/2025 Fee
Issue of Improvement Notice or Notice of Direction $195.00 per hour of activity
Application for review of issue if Improvement Notice or Notice of Direction $195.00 per hour of activity
All other services and compliance/monitoring activities for which a fee may be set under the Food Act. This includes follow up visits to close out corrective actions, review of (successful) appeals/submissions to verification outcomes, surrender, suspension and revocation of registration. $195.00 per hour of activity

Additional Fees2024/2025 Fee
FCP templace and record blanks (photocopy and bound) $35.00
Replacement diary (photocopy and bound) $35.00
NP guidance and record blanks (photocopy and bound) $35.00
Thermometer $35.00
Change of ownership (non-food premises) $195.00
General administration fee $195.00 per hour
Hardcopy application fee where no online/electronic option is available $90.00

Miscellaneous fees and charges

Amusement devices (temporary approval)2024/2025 Fee
For one device, for the first 7 days of proposed operation or part thereof$11.50
For each additional device operated by the same owner, for the first 7 days or part thereof$2.30
For each device, for each further period of 7 days or part thereof$1.15

Appearance Industries Bylaw 20202024/2025 Fee
Registration fee for an Appearance Industry application$290.00 (which includes up to 1.5 hour of inspection, administration, and travel time)
Registration fee for a combined Hairdresser/Appearance Industry application$390.00 (which includes up to two hours of inspection, administration, and travel time
Additional time for registration/inspection and investigation of justified complaints under the Appearance Industries Bylaw$195.00 per hour

Gambling venue and board venue2024/2025 Fee
Class 4 Gambling Venue and Board Venue applications (includes 2 hours of processing)$390.00
Additional processing time$195.00 per hour

Noise Control2024/2025 Fee
Seizure fine (stereo equipment)$180.00 and $1.00 per day after the 1st month of storage
Subsequent seizures (stereo equipment) within the same property within a 6 month period$300.00 and $1.00 per day after the 1st month of storage
Security alarms – daytime attendancesTime cost charge
Security alarms – after hours attendancesTime cost charge
Consultancy and survey fee$195.00 per hour

Premises licences (non-food)2024/2025 Fee
Travelling shops (no food) $195.00
Hairdressers $270.00
Camping Grounds $345.00
Hawkers (not including inside parks) $195.00
Permanent amusement devices $195.00
Mortuaries $270.00
Offensive Trades $270.00
Change of ownership (non-food premises) $195.00
Hardcopy application fee where no online/electronic option is available $90.00

Trade waste

Fees and charges include Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Consent FeesConsent + $175 if conditional consent required
Class 1: High risk$1845.00$2020.00
Class 2: Moderate risk$935.00$1110.00
Class 3: Low risk$520.00$695.00
Class 4: Minimal risk$280.00$455.00
Class 5: Minimal risk low flow$135.00N/A
Application fee$105
Re-inspection fee$130.00
Late payment additional fee$110.00
Transfer additional fee$55.00

Charge type2024/2025 Charges
Flow$0.579 per cubic metre
Total suspended solids$1.256 per kilogram
COD (Chemical oxygen demand)$0.440 per kilogram