Report a roaming dog

If you want to report a wandering animal, your first point of contact will depend on what sort of animal it is.

Hutt City Council Animal Services staff mainly deal with wandering dogs and stock (such as a sheep, pig or goat), so if it fits into that category, please give us a call on 570 6666. There is a 24/7 service for reporting such issues.

Phoning will provide the fastest response.

If it is some other sort of animal (e.g. a cat, a rabbit or even a bird) you are concerned about, please contact the SPCA on 04 389 8044

If it is a situation where an animal poses a danger to the public, for example it is running loose on the motorway, please call the Police.

What we need to know

If you are contacting us about a roaming dog or wandering stock, you can help us out by having a few details, such as what sort of animal it is, where it is and if possible any other information that will make it easier to identify, such as:

  • approximate size
  • colour
  • breed (in the case of a dog)
  • sex
  • any distinguishing features (such as registration tag, collar, specific marks on its body etc)
  • If it is acting aggressive
  • When you last saw the dog and where
  • If you know where the dog comes from/ or have seen it before.

If it is safe to do so, take a photo and let Hutt City Council customer services know you have a photo of the animal.

If it is a dog with a registration tag or microchip, we can let the owner know and arrange for it to be collected.

If you notice ongoing issues with a wandering dog in your neighbourhood, get in touch with HCC's Animal Services staff on 570 6666 so we can help.