What happens if you do something without resource consent

Find out about the penalties you might face if you start building work without an approved resource consent.

If your project needs a resource consent and you start work without one, or you don’t comply with your resource consent, you’re committing an illegal offence.

The penalties range from a $300 fine to criminal prosecution.

Penalties include:

  • infringement notices – these are issued for relatively minor offences such as not complying with a resource consent condition
  • abatement notices – these are issued when we need consent holders to stop work or take action so that they comply with the Resource Management Act 1991 or a resource consent condition
  • enforcement orders – these are applications from us to the Environmental Court. They require consent holders to either cease or do something so that they comply with the Resource Management Act or a resource consent condition
  • prosecutions – these are legal proceedings for the most serious offences under the Resource Management Act. Serious Offenders can face criminal charges.

Get a pre-application meeting

You can book a pre-application meeting with us to talk about your proposal before you submit a resource consent application.

These meetings can save you time and money in the long run.

Book a pre-application meeting

Resource consent applications can be very complex. Depending on the project, they might need a lot of technical detail too. We recommend that you use a planning consultancy, surveyor or architect to apply for resource consent for you. We can help you find the right people.

Contact details

Email: resource.consents@huttcity.govt.nz