Find out what you need to do before you apply for a resource consent.
Sometimes resource consent applications need a lot of technical detail. We recommend that you engage a planning consultancy, surveyor or architect who can apply for resource consent on your behalf.
You can book a pre-application meeting with us to talk about your proposal before you submit a resource consent application.
These meetings can save you time and money in the long run.
If your plans will affect your neighbours (i.e. shading their property or affecting their views), you should talk to them as early as possible.
If they're not happy with your project, you may be able to reach a compromise they'll agree to approve, like making a deck lower. If you're still unable to get written approval, the resource consent may need to be limited notification. This means your neighbours can make a submission on your proposal that we'll consider when we make a decision on your consent.
People who need a resource consent often need a building consent too.
If you’re not sure, get in touch so we can talk through your proposal, let you know whether you need one and guide you through the next steps.
A tree may be protected because it’s:
- listed as a scheduled tree in the District Plan
- protected as part of a condition on an existing resource consent
- protected by a covenant or consent notice on the Certificate of Title.
Get in touch with us before removing, pruning or carrying out construction work near any tree because you may need a resource consent.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira is the mandated iwi authority of Ngāti Toa Rangatira. If you’d like to engage with them on your consent application or other matters, please fill out the website form here.
Please note that this is not one of Hutt City Councils services, but it is available to the public wanting to engage with Iwi.
Contact details
- Telephone: +64 04 570 6666 | 0800 488 824
- Email: