Change, withdraw or cancel a resource consent application

Find out how to make changes to your resource consent and how to cancel it.

How it works

If you want to change, withdraw or cancel your application for resource consent you need to let us know as soon as possible.

If your application is still being processed, email us your changes.

If you've already received your approved resource consent, you'll need to submit a new application and pay a fee.

Note: If your application was publicly notified, get in touch to talk about the requirements for written approval.

Consent fees

How to make changes

  1. Send us your completed resource consent application form, and include:
    • plans that clearly show the difference between what was originally approved and what is now proposed
    • an assessment of environmental effects (AEE) relating to the change
    • written approval of anyone considered affected by the change (i.e. your neighbours).
  2. Send in your application and pay the fee.

Next steps

If we approve your application, we'll update you with an updated consent.

If we think the project or effects of the change or cancellation are too different we may ask you need to lodge a new resource consent application.

Note: If we agree to accept you changes, all other details, including the date the consent will lapse, stay the same.

Contact details
