Due dates for rates payments

Find out when your rates are due and what happens if you don't pay on time.

When to pay your rates

We currently have six rates payment instalments each financial year, running from July to June. The remaining dates for 2024/25 are:

Invoice date Due date
5 20 March 20 April
6 20 May 20  June

To save ratepayers $50,000 a year in postage, paper and processing time, we'll be dropping down to four invoices, starting from 1 July 2025. This change only affects how often you receive invoices, not the overall rates you're charged.

Invoice date Due date
1 1 August 1 September
2 1 November 1 December
3 1 February 1  March
4 1 May 1 June

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re making this change to save money and reduce waste. Printing and mailing invoices costs a lot, and postage prices keep rising. By sending fewer invoices, we will save $50,000 a year. It’s also better for the environment!

Most councils in New Zealand send invoices four times a year, and we are now doing the same.

No, your total rates bill stays the same. You will just get fewer invoices.

Yes, your direct debit payments will now be made on the new due dates. You don’t need to do anything—we will automatically update your direct debit to match the new four-instalment schedule, and your invoice will let you know the amount that will be debited.

If you’d like to check or change how often you pay, get in touch with our team—we’re happy to help.

Yes! You don’t have to pay everything at once. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly if that suits you better.

Direct debit is the easiest way to do this. You choose how often to pay, and we handle the rest.

Yes, but we encourage you to switch to email invoices. It’s faster, cheaper and helps the environment. Right now, almost half of all ratepayers receive their invoices by email.

If you have any concerns, please talk to us. We can help you set up a payment plan that works for you. Email the rates team at rates@huttcity.govt.nz

We considered this option, but most people prefer payments spread out over the year. Four invoices is a good balance – it saves money while keeping payments manageable.

  • A penalty of 10% will be added to any unpaid instalment amount after the due date.
  • A further 10% is charged every six months on any rates still owing from previous rating years.
  • If you pay by direct debit, you'll always pay the correct amount and won't be charged any penalties.
  • If you have overdue rates, please contact us to make arrangements for payment.

Our team is happy to help! Call us at 04 570 6666 or email rates@huttcity.govt.nz.