Hutt City Council reappoints Jo Miller as Chief Executive

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Published: 10 May 2024

Hutt City Council is pleased to announce that following a robust externally-led process Jo Miller has been reappointed as Chief Executive.

Council’s process attracted a good number of quality candidates, with Jo Miller being the stand-out candidate from that field.

“With significant levels of investment in water and transport infrastructure, transformational projects like Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi (RiverLink), and record co-investment being planned over the next five years – council wanted a Chief Executive who will drive delivery and help make the most of the opportunities ahead for our city,” says Mayor Campbell Barry.

“Jo has a proven track record over the past five years of delivery on council’s priorities – including the implementation of our rubbish and recycling system, building a new Naenae Pool, construction of Tupua Horo Nuku, and overseeing a significant uplift in pipe renewals going from 1km of new pipe in 2019/20 to 14.5km in 2022/23.”

“Jo has driven our priorities while also leading the council response through a pandemic and climate-related events like the slip, and subsequent work, on Eastern Hutt Road and 200 other slips in 2021.”

“Jo’s skill set and experience leading innovative housing solutions in the UK and here, together with her involvement in city deals, will be invaluable to our council and region given central government’s direction on these matters.”

“As Mayor, I have personally been able to see how hard Jo works day in, day out, for the betterment of Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt. Her contribution has been outstanding and elected members are excited to be able to continue our work together.”

“I am proud to serve the community of Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt and to continue in my role as Tumu Whakarae Chief Executive,” says Jo Miller.

“I am excited about the work programme ahead and I’m very pleased to continue to progress the plans of our Mayor and Council. I’ll be continuing to foster the relationships that are so important to Council’s work locally, regionally and nationally.”

“A lot has been achieved by Council and there is a lot more to do to ensure our city is a place where all of our people can thrive,” says Jo Miller.

Short bio for Jo Miller

Jo Miller came to New Zealand in July 2019 to join Hutt City Council as Tumu Whakarae Chief Executive.

Jo works with the Mayor and Council, staff, Iwi, partners and the community to ensure Lower Hutt is the very best it can be for all its people.

She has been the President at Taituarā – Local Government Professionals New Zealand since October 2023.

With an LLB Hons from the University of Southampton, Jo’s local government career spans 30 years at a local, regional and national level.

Prior to living in Aotearoa, Jo held one of the most high-profile government jobs in the UK, with an outstanding record of motivating people, creating solutions and brokering agreements in major housing, economic regeneration and capital investment schemes.

As Chief Executive of Doncaster Council, Jo was recognised for exceptional organisational turnaround, city growth and a return to optimism, putting the city in the top 10 for UK growth. Jo was elected President of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives in 2017, consequently named as the third most influential person in local government by UK Local Government Press.