Eastbourne Summer Pool to stay open longer thanks to community partnership for volunteer lifeguards

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Published: 18 September 2024

Eastbourne Summer Pool will enjoy extended opening hours this summer thanks to an innovative partnership between Council and community to fully-train volunteers as lifeguards.

The Eastbourne Community Board and Pool Action Group approached Council’s Aquatics Team to see if the season could be extended. The team was keen to make it happen but had the challenge of limited budgets and difficulty in finding seasonal staff. So, they have worked together to find an innovative solution.  

It will see volunteers undertake the same course training as new lifeguards, including a First Aid Course, following guidelines set by our training provider Te Mahi Ako.

The trained volunteers will assist at the pool during the last month of the season, replacing those regular lifeguards who return to school or university during this time and are unavailable for work.

Mayor Campbell Barry says this initiative is exciting for the Eastbourne community.

“At a time when everyone is feeling the pinch financially, it’s great to be able to collaborate and find local solutions that help maximise assets in our community.”

Eastbourne Community Board Chair Belinda Moss says Eastbourne residents will be able to enjoy the pool for a longer period in what will hopefully be a warm summer.

“The Eastbourne Community Board is delighted that Council's aquatic team has extended its training to volunteers from Eastbourne. The volunteer programme is a terrific opportunity for those who put their names forward and the community.

“If we have enough trained volunteers, the Eastbourne Summer Pool can stay open for two more weeks each summer. This will allow residents to make the most of the summer season.”

Neighbourhood & Communities Director Andrea Blackshaw is keen to explore how this sort of model can be adapted for other community spaces and places.

“Just like everyone else, Council is feeling the financial impact of the increased costs that go with owning and operating buildings – things like insurance, power and maintenance.

“There is increasing demand for community spaces and places from both our growing population and new activities. We want to make sure these highly valued community facilities are providing the best possible value, both for ratepayers who fund them and for the people who use them. Community partnerships are one way we can do that and something we are keen to build on.”

The Eastbourne Summer Pool opens on 16 November. You can find the opening hours here.