Earthquake prone building notice issued for Clock Tower block at Hutt Hospital

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Published: 2 February 2024

We have notified Te Whatu Ora Health NZ that we have determined that the Clock Tower block at Hutt Hospital is earthquake prone under section 133AK of the Building Act 2004.

In line with our Regulatory function please find further information below.

We are in discussion with Te Whatu Ora to ensure notices are on all entrances to the building so that people using the building are aware of its status and we are in the process of updating the MBIE register of earthquake prone buildings.

The Clock Tower block is a priority building under the legislation. This means Te Whatu Ora will have 7.5 years (until 31 January 2031) to carry out building work to ensure that the building is no longer earthquake prone or to demolish the building.

We will be staying in regular contact with Te Whatu Ora to monitor progress on this.

More information regarding earthquake-prone buildings can be found here.

Hutt City Council Memorandum

Detailed Seismic Assessment