Consultation opens for Hutt City Council representation review

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Published: 30 October 2023

Lower Hutt residents are being urged to have their say on how people and communities are represented on Hutt City Council.

Paul Swain, Chair of the Independent Panel carrying out the review of current representation arrangements, says community input into Council representation is critical.

“We want to make sure that Council representation is fair and effective for Lower Hutt residents and communities, so we are reviewing the arrangements that are currently in place to see if they should continue or if they need to be changed for the future.”

The panel is looking at things such as how many councillors there should be, whether those councillors should be elected from local wards, from across the whole city, or a combination of both (as at present), and whether there should be community boards.

In addition to a survey that is being released today, the panel is also meeting with a wide range of community groups and organisations over the coming months to hear firsthand how well they think they are currently represented on Council.

“We will carefully consider all the feedback we receive, along with other information about the city’s communities, before making recommendations to the Council next year about the representation arrangements that should be in place for the 2025 Council elections.

“Your input will help us with our recommendations to Council, so head to the website to have your say now,” said Paul Swain.

You can find out more about the Independent Panel here.