Naenae Town Centre Activation Fund

About the Naenae Town Centre Activation Fund


The fund aims to contribute contribute to thriving Naenae Town  Centre through community led initiatives

Eligibility criteria

We are looking to fund projects up to $5000 which align with the following criteria

  • Community Engagement: The project should actively engage the community or attract people to the Naenae Town Centre. The goal is to create vibrancy and interaction within the town centre.
  • Accessibility: Projects must be accessible to all members of the community, promoting inclusivity across different age groups, backgrounds, and abilities.
  • Feasibility: Proposals should be practical and achievable within the provided budget and timeframe. A simple plan on how the project will be implemented is sufficient.
  • Visibility: The activity should be visible and open to the public in the town centre, helping to draw attention and participation from a wide audience.

Funding Rounds

  • This is a one-time fund available until the opening of the Naenae pool in late 2024

Some examples of what we might consider funding include:

  • Community Performances: Live music, dance shows, theater performances, and other cultural displays that bring the community together and entertain.
  • Art Installations: Temporary or semi-permanent art installations that beautify the town centre and create interactive experiences for visitors.
  • Food Markets: Local food stalls, cooking demonstrations, or a community hangi that showcases local cuisine and encourages communal dining.
  • Festivals and Celebrations: Events that celebrate local culture, seasons, holidays, or significant community milestones.
  • Workshops and Classes: Educational or fun workshops that engage different age groups and interests, such as crafts, gardening, yoga, or cooking classes.
  • Family-Friendly Activities: Events specifically designed for families, such as puppet shows, story-telling sessions, or interactive games and activities that are suitable for all ages.

We don't fund activities that:

  • Assets on Council land which require ongoing operational funding
  • Projects-assets which require significant support from Council teams to implement
  • Promotion of an organisation’s religious, ethical, commercial, or political views
  • Duplicate services that are already covered by Council or by government agencies e.g. health or education providers
  • Kaupapa that has already begun or finished
  • Redistribution of funds to others at the applicant’s discretion
  • Fundraising or legal costs
  • Capital investments or trust funds
  • Prize money or prizes

How to apply

More information


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