The future of water services in Te Awakairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt
How will we fund and operate our water services in the future? This is the most important decision we’ll make for our city in decades.
The Government’s Local Water Done Well reforms require all councils to submit a water services delivery plan by September 2025, and we want to know your views on the best option for the future of our water services.
It’s really important to have your say so that the model selected meets community needs and expectations for quality water provision in a way that is fit for purpose and most affordable. With that goal in mind, we are seeking community feedback on two options for the future delivery of water services.
Our preferred option is a new multi-council-owned water organisation, which would take ownership of public water services. This model allows for better long-term planning, investment, and environmental protection while keeping costs to consumers lower.
The alternative option is a modified status quo, in which councils retain asset ownership while Wellington Water Ltd manages services. While this maintains the status quo, it may limit future investment, efficiency, sustainability and lead to higher costs to consumers.
Regardless of the chosen approach, water infrastructure will remain publicly owned and managed on behalf of ratepayers.
Find out about the challenges facing our water network, the need for reform, and the details of both options, then have your say before 20 April 2025.
How did we get here?
Find out the background to these reforms
Find out about the current state of our water services infrastructure