Sustainable Growth Strategy 2025-2055

We’re planning for the future of Lower Hutt.


We all want a sustainable city with a great environment and housing, business and employment opportunities for everyone who lives in Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt.

With our city projected to grow by 40,000 more residents over the next 30 years, we need a strategy for how to accommodate this growth.

Engagement is now open on our draft Sustainable Growth Strategy until 4 April 2025. Let us know your thoughts at

What is a Growth Strategy?

A Growth Strategy is a document with a 30-year horizon which guides how we want our city to accommodate population and economic growth. It informs decision-making and investment by Council, government and the private sector.

It involves looking at all the aspects of our city that are impacted by more people living and working here, including:

  • Housing
  • Transport
  • Water infrastructure
  • Businesses
  • Changing climate and natural hazards
  • Open spaces, recreation and natural environment
  • Cultural identity
  • Community facilities

View the full document, summary and FAQS at and share your thoughts in the short survey by 4 April 2025.