How climate change will affect Lower Hutt

Find out the city will be affected, and where to find further information.

What we already know

Our city needs to respond to the adverse effects of climate change already happening in Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt, and prepare for future impacts. Climate impacts include sea-level rise, storm surges and flooding. For example, we are guaranteed at least half a metre of sea-level rise this century, and storm surge inundation (flooding by the sea during storms) will occur more often and be more severe due to sea-level rise. The sea-level is currently rising about 3mm per year in the Wellington region.

We have been building our knowledge of these risks through research such as Preparing Coastal Communities for Climate Change and modelling flood hazards across urban Lower Hutt. Additionally, information on climate change impacts on Lower Hutt is included in Land Information Memorandum (LIM) reports, and used in Council’s consenting process for planning, building and subdividing. Council has included flooding and coastal hazard information into proposed District Plan Change 56.

Council is currently doing a top-to-bottom review of the District Plan for Lower Hutt. This includes considering a number of natural hazards associated with climate change, including sea level rise, storm surge, flooding and land instability, and involves mapping the hazards and developing controls for land use and subdivision.

There are also a range of reports and maps to illustrate impacts, such as:

Wellington Regional Climate Change Impact Assessment

Regional climate change impacts assessment & adaptation plan

Proposed Plan Change 56 maps

NZ SeaRise maps

Climate change maps for the Wellington Region

Sea level rise maps for the Wellington Region

Climate change projections for the Wellington Region

Coastal inundation and sea level rise assessment for the Hutt City District

View the flooding page