Wainui Hill - FAQ

Wainuiomata Landslide Stabilisation - Frequently Asked Questions

When the landslide first happened, debris was removed from the road and concrete blocks were installed to provide protection to road users.

As a temporary measure, hydroseed was sprayed on the slope to protect from further erosion while funding approvals were sought and investigations, design and contractor procurement progressed.

Vegetation and loose materials will first be cleared from the slope. Subsequently, anchors will be installed and subjected to load testing. Upon successful completion of acceptance testing, steel mesh will be installed. To encourage vegetation regrowth, hydroseeding will be performed as the final step of the works.

There will be some traffic disruption during these works, to reduce the impacts, the lane closure will be set up after 9am each day and two lanes will be available outside work hours.

Hours may change as we monitor traffic, if things don't ease up by 9am we may wait to install traffic management.

There may also be occasions where Saturday works are required.

We’re advising people to expect delays at times, especially during peak traffic leaving Wainuiomata in the morning.

We’ll be monitoring traffic and will make changes to the traffic management if required.

We appreciate everyone’s patience while we deliver a more resilient road for Wainuiomata and the wider Hutt Valley.

Work onsite is commencing from 9am each day to avoid the peak morning traffic leaving Wainuiomata. Unfortunately starting work later than this would result in a longer time-frame for the project.

For the safety of our workers, works on the slip sites at night will not be carried out (except for road resurfacing works at the end of the project). As these works are on a local road work is able to happen during the day.

Night works can increase the risk of accidents and injuries due to reduced visibility and fatigue of workers.

A lane needs to be closed to give space for the contractor to complete the remediation works.

This lane closure also ensures the safety of our workers and the public.

You can find out more about this project at hutt.city/wainuihill

Hazard assessment was undertaken by engineers and the risk of a future slip and road closure on the northbound lanes was deemed high, and therefore remediation required. Vegetation has been growing as hydroseed was applied with the other interim measures until a remediation plan approved.

Emergency services vehicles will get through the area in an incident just as they do on any other road where cars pull to the side to let them past.