We’re seeking to make small-scale improvements in and around the historic site of Pito One Pā.
About Pito One Pā Landing
Pito One Pā Landing is located at the western end of Petone. This location has been chosen as it is an area of importance for Mana Whenua and forms part of the ‘Western Gateway’ in the Petone 2040 Spatial Plan.
First, we will be focusing our efforts outside of 6 Te Puni Street to:
- Improve the quality of the street in front of Te Puni Urupā.
- Reveal the hidden history of the area.
- Support the tikanga and use of the urupā.
- Enhance the accessibility to Te Puni Urupā.
The area currently lacks visibility of its historic importance for the community and visitors, is inaccessible, and does not support the tikanga (Māori customary practices) of Te Puni Urupā.
This project is an opportunity to make small scale improvements to an important piece of Petone history and support the use of the urupā.
What we’ve heard so far
From our engagement for the project so far we know that people are keen on:
- Increasing the street prominence of Te Puni Urupā
- Supporting tikanga, and the use of the urupā through:
- Improved accessibility e.g. somewhere to sit, mobility parking space
- Providing a gathering space for future tangihanga (Māori ceremony for mourning)
- Repairs to elements for whakanoa (spiritual clearing of environment process)
- Increased privacy
- Protection from the elements
Following this engagement, we’ve developed a plan for small-scale improvements in the area.
What’s happening?
As part of the project we are looking to create more space for the function of the urupā and provide a mobility parking space. Consultation for a traffic resolution is underway.
This will be out for consultation from 4 March to 17 March 2025.
What’s next?
Early 2025 | Traffic resolution for the street changes |
Get in contact
Got questions about the project? You can contact us at pito_onelandings@huttcity.govt.nz.