We’re getting underway with small-scale improvements around the entrance to the Hutt River Trail next to Waione Bridge.
About Hīkoikoi Landing
We’re seeking to better connect the Pito One community to their cultural heritage and public spaces at Hīkoikoi Landing by:
- Honouring the cultural value of the area.
- Improving the health of Te Mome stream.
- Improving the Waione Street entrance to the Hutt River Trail.
Hīkoikoi Landing is located at the eastern end of Waione Street. This location has been chosen as it is an area of importance for Mana Whenua and forms part of the ‘Eastern Gateway’ in the Petone 2040 Spatial Plan.
The area is currently poorly defined and looks unkempt. It also lacks a clear entrance to the Hutt River Trail for the community and visitors. This project is an opportunity to make small scale improvements to better showcase our beautiful places in Pito One and Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt.
We’ve been working with Mana Whenua, key stakeholders, and user groups to develop our ideas and design.
What we’ve heard so far
From our stakeholder and community engagement so far we know that people are keen on:
- Revealing the cultural importance and history of the area
- Improving the health of Te Mome Stream and surrounding environment
- Preventing illegal dumping
- A better and more visible entrance to the Hutt River Trail
- Safer and more accessible ways to move around
- Improved signage and wayfinding
Following this engagement, we’ve developed a plan for small-scale improvements in the area.
What’s happening?
As part of the project, we are starting to trial a low-mow meadow to support increased water quality and pollinator habitat. You can find out more at Low-mow meadow trial.
What’s next?
Early 2025 | Small-scale arborist works to improve health of existing trees and visibility. |
Mid 2025 | Improve Te Mome Stream health with riparian planting. Install natural barriers and signage to discourage illegal dumping. |
Mid to late 2025 | Installation of a new entrance space to the Hutt River Trail, signage, seating and cultural markers. |
Get in contact
Got questions about the project? You can contact us at pito_onelandings@huttcity.govt.nz.