Pito One Landings is part of our Long Term Plan’s Petone 2040 programme which provides funding for small scale urban design projects in the suburb.
About Pito One Landings
Two initiatives make up Pito One Landings, Pito One Pā Landing and Hīkoikoi Landing, which aim to highlight some of Petone’s cultural heritage and to improve public spaces.
The two project areas were chosen because of their significance to Mana Whenua and the Pito One community. They also have roles as part of the ‘Western and Eastern Gateways’ in the Petone 2040 Spatial Plan - Pito One Pā Landing to the west and Hīkoikoi Landing to the east.
Industrial development and increased traffic have made these spaces feel less welcoming and inaccessible, particularly impacting those seeking to connect with the cultural roots of the area.
We’ve been collaborating with Mana Whenua, key stakeholders, and user groups to develop ideas and designs for both sites. Mana Whenua prepared Cultural Narratives for both areas to inform the projects.
Hīkoikoi Landing
This is our eastern entrance into Pito One. For this site we’re looking at small-scale improvements around the entrance to the Hutt River Trail next to Waione Bridge. These improvements look to:
- Honour the cultural value of the area.
- Improve the health of Te Mome stream.
- Improve the Waione Street entrance to the Hutt River Trail.
Find out more about the project at Hīkoikoi Landing.
Pito One Pā Landing
This is our western entrance into Pito One and is focused around making small improvements in and around the historic site of Pito One Pā. First, we will be focusing our efforts around 6 Te Puni Street to:
- Improve the quality of the street in front of Te Puni Urupā.
- Reveal the hidden history of the area.
- Support the tikanga and use of the urupā.
- Enhance the accessibility to Te Puni Urupā.
Find out more about the project at Pito One Pā Landing.
Get in contact
Got questions about the projects? You can contact us at pito_onelandings@huttcity.govt.nz.