Walter Mildenhall Park

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Walter Mildenhall Park

Walter Mildenhall Park is being redeveloped with and for the community after the Naenae Pool is completed later in 2024.

The Naenae Community Advisory Group ran a survey in August 2023 canvassing the views of close to 400 people, asking residents what activities they’d like to do and see happening in the park and what kind of design they preferred. There was support for activities like play spaces, BBQ areas, picnic spots, wheeled activities, gardens, leisure activities and artistic displays.

Read the insights from our community consultations in these documents:

Safety, accessibility, and inclusivity were strong themes along with a desire for a space that strikes a balance between planting and open space, recreation, relaxation, cultural expression, and community connection.

Council has worked with the community group to incorporate this feedback into a concept design, which you can view here.

For further information, please contact