In 2023 we developed an Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy. Find out more.
With community and Mana Whenua input, Hutt City Council developed an Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy in 2023. Read it here.
Biodiversity impacts our daily lives and quality of life. Healthy biodiversity with a range of species and habitats will help our community cope with the impacts of climate change, but we need a roadmap to get there.
The Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy sets a framework to guide Hutt City Council, Mana Whenua and the wider community in working together to protect and restore our indigenous biodiversity. The strategy sets a shared vision and goals to guide us and identifies focus areas where we can work together to make a difference.

It also connects and aligns us to other work happening at regional and national levels so we can ensure we are having the greatest collective impact.
This strategy will be supported by a series of implementation programs and plans which will bring this work to life. From revegetation planting projects to pest control and improving water quality, the finalised strategy will help us work to protect and restore our natural taonga for future generations. This will influence protection and management of indigenous biodiversity on public and private land.
The strategy is a key part of how Hutt City Council will work to meet the goals of the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB), which is the primary document driving biodiversity protection under central government legislation. It requires councils to work in partnership with Tangata Whenua to promote the restoration of indigenous biodiversity, indigenous vegetation cover and monitor native species.
This work began with a wānanga in late 2022, bringing together Mana Whenua and community groups to provide direction and scope, followed by a community survey and further conversations with Mana Whenua, groups and individuals interested in biodiversity.
In April 2023, we sought general public feedback on biodiversity values through a survey, and further discussions from community meetings. This, and the Wānanga, helped form the discussion document and then the draft strategy which went to public consultation in July/August 2023. Council approved the final version in late 2023.
Ko te hiahia kia piripono kia Papatūānuku - We want nature to be a part of our lives.
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