Daly Street

We’re getting underway with temporary improvements to activate a vacant Council site at Daly Street before it is redeveloped following the stopbank upgrade by Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi (formerly RiverLink).

What’s happening

The vacant site at 6-9 Daly Street is owned by Council and is at a prominent location along the river corridor. This gives us the opportunity to draw people into the city centre, with more reasons to visit, stay longer and spend more. It’s also well connected to High Street via laneways.

It’s great chance for us to try out new ideas in a temporary way that can inform future projects around the city centre and throughout Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt.

Daly Street

View of the Daly Street site from the riverbank.

To successfully activate the site, we are starting with the following elements:

  • A pump track
  • Accessible surfaces so everyone can enjoy the space
  • A half basketball court
  • Moveable seating and tables
  • A low stage for events
  • Power & water to support food & drinks trucks during events
  • Planters

We’ve been working with businesses, residents, and community groups who call the city centre home to further develop our ideas and design.

We’re looking to open the space in autumn 2025 and run it until it is needed for Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi works.

The space may change over time to respond to community feedback. Any furniture or equipment used for the project will be relocatable elsewhere around the city.

What we’ve heard so far

Previous community engagement revealed that people are keen on:

  • A social and family destination with vibrant street-based activities
  • A better night-time economy
  • High amenity for inner city living
  • A walkable city centre including pedestrian laneways

We shared our initial ideas with businesses, residents, and community groups who call the city centre home. What we’ve heard is:

Community ideasBusiness ideas
  • Learning opportunities for daycare children ​
  • Sensory Garden ​
  • Attract families / space for teens​
  • Basketball court​
  • Pump track​
  • Greenery​
  • Big colourful plant pots​
  • Uses for daytime and night time ​
  • Painted maze​
  • BMX & DJ event ​
  • Pop up events ​
  • Craft market
  • Kid-friendly activities​
  • Upcycling repair café/workshop​
  • Murals​
  • Places to sit​
  • Music, dance, performances​
  • Photo-worthy backdrops​
  • Night market​
  • Workshops​

Following this engagement, we’ve developed a plan for activating the site.

Daly Street Activation

Provisional design, artworks are still in development.

What’s next?

The site will be tidied up and made safe in from March 2025 and temporary street furniture and equipment will be installed from April 2025.

The site will be opened to the public once these initial works are complete. Watch this space for information on an opening event with the community.

We’re keen to hear from the community once the site starts being used so we can make it better. What could we do to help encourage you, and your friends and whānau, to visit and hang out in the city centre?

Share your thoughts with us at citycentreplacemaking@huttcity.govt.nz.

Our kaupapa 

With the Daly Street project our kaupapa has been to keep things low cost, recycle wherever possible, and try new things we could roll-out around our city.

All the items we’re putting into Daly Street can be repurposed around the city once the space is needed for further development – in some cases we’re already repurposing items from previous projects. We have been thinking about the future of our city and our tamariki, so every item is recycled, reusable or both.

Recycled elements:

  • Events container – Council owns this so we’re giving it a fresh coat of paint for this project to keep it well maintained. Once no longer needed in Daly Street, it will be relocated and used elsewhere.
  • Rubbish bins – We’re reusing bins that have been removed from around the city following upgrades works.
  • Basketball hoop – This has been relocated from the Riverbank Car Park and is currently being refurbished by a local business.
  • Granite blocks and concrete blocks – These are left-over from previous projects around our city and will be used as seating at Daly Street.
  • Seating – This was removed for the Wainuiomata Town Centre upgrade and has been refurbished to be used at Daly Street.

Reusable elements:

  • Pump track – This is modular and will be relocated to one of our parks or reserves after Daly Street.
  • Moveable planters, including an accessible planter - These have been designed by a local business to be easily maintained and moveable.
  • Communications board (also called a ‘core board’) - A way to talk using pictures so that everyone can be part of a conversation and make the most of the space, Kāpiti Coast District Council has a good explanation about the boards if you want to find out more.  At Daly Street we’re trialling our first board in Lower Hutt before moving it to a permanent location in one of our parks or reserves.
  • Stage – This is made up of multiple moveable platform seats that can be given new homes around our city – individually or together.
  • Bike racks – These are a design we use across our city and are being made by a local business, after this project they will be relocated to a new home.

Through repurposing elements from previous projects, we're on track with our budget of $300k for activating the Daly Street site to support community use and enjoyment.

Get in contact

Got questions about the project? You can contact us at citycentreplacemaking@huttcity.govt.nz