Cuba Street Overbridge is an ageing piece of infrastructure, at nearly 100 years old. It is a vital link providing a key North / South route for traffic, freight and emergency services. It is also a key route for use in the event of an evacuation.
In August 2024, following assessment of the bridge, it was decided to progress with maintenance, monitoring and strengthening of the bridge. Maintenance works, including concrete repair, were completed in November 2024.
Further live load testing has shown the road is safe for current traffic (including heavy vehicles) but futureproofing work should be completed to ensure we have a resilient road network.
What we’re doing
Works to strengthen the bridge commenced 3 February 2025 and require a small section of Wakefield Street that runs under the bridge to be closed.
After a brief pause where the road was reopened due to the first stage of works being completed faster than expected, work will commence on site again from 10 March 2025. This stage includes strengthening the pier in the road corridor and rail corridor abutment. Provided there are no unforeseen circumstances, we expect this phase of work to be complete by 28 April 2025.
During the current works:
- Localised road closure along Wakefield Street under the Cuba Street Overbridge (see map above).
- We’ve worked with Metlink to relocate the buses replacing trains to Wellington stop (see map below for locations).
- Contractors will be onsite, weekdays from 7am-5:30pm, subject to no unforeseen conditions. Some Saturday work possible, 9am-4pm. Traffic management will be in place 24/7.
- Residents and businesses in the area will retain access to their homes and premises, however detour routes may need to be followed.
- Pedestrian and cyclist access will be available through the area for the duration of the project.