Hutt City Committees

Find out about our Hutt City Committees and what they do for Council.

The Audit and Risk Subcommittee provides objective advice and recommendations around the sufficiency, quality and results of assurance over the Council Group’s financial management practices, risk management, internal control systems and governance frameworks.

This subcommittee executes the Chief Executive’s performance agreement and monitors the Chief Executive’s performance. This group can also recruit a new CEO if needed.

To develop, implement, monitor and review strategies, policies, plans and functions associated with environmental and climate change activities.

This committee meets as needed to carry out hearings and make decisions on material breaches of Council's Code of Conduct.

The Communities Committee has an operational focus, to monitor the contribution made by strategies and policies implemented by Council to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of the city’s communities in the present and for the future.

The committee reports to Council on trends/issues around local alcohol sale, supply and regulation, and produces an annual report on behalf of Council (to meet Section 199 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012).

The District Plan Review Committee is responsible for considering and making recommendations to Council on matters to be addressed in the full review of the District Plan and development of a Proposed District Plan.

The Emergency Committee determines matters within the authority of Council during the pandemic response.

A joint committee of Hutt City and Upper Hutt City Councils. The Committee meets quarterly or as required. The committee's purpose is to assist to bring together and decide on combined Council services in the Hutt Valley. The Chair rotates between Councils.

The Infrastructure and Regulatory Committee considers matters relating to the regulatory and quasi-judicial responsibilities of the Council under Council’s bylaws and relevant legislation.

The Long Term Plan/Annual Plan Subcommittee carries out all necessary considerations and hearings, precedent to the Council’s final adoption of Long Term Plans (LTP) and Annual Plans (AP) which give effect to the strategic direction and outcomes set by the Policy, Finance and Strategy Committee through setting levels of service, funding priorities, the performance framework and budgets

The Policy, Finance and Strategy Committee assists the Council in setting the broad vision and direction of the city in order to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of the city’s communities in the present and for the future.

The Traffic Subcommittee is responsible for considering and making recommendations to Council on traffic matters, and considers any traffic matters referred to it by Council.

Suzanne Tindal - Independent Chair of the Audit and Risk Subcommittee

  • New Zealand Infrastructure Commission
  • Quotable Value Ltd (and subsidiary Quotable Value Australia Pty Ltd)
  • Brosnan Holdings Ltd (and subsidiary entities Brosnan Construction Ltd, Brosnan Construction Canterbury Ltd, Brosnan Ltd, Brosnan Maintenance Ltd, Bettabuilt NI Ltd)
  • New Zealand Post Group (and subsidiary entities Fliway Group Ltd, Fliway Holdings Ltd, Fliway International Ltd, Fliway Logistics Ltd, Fliway Transport Ltd)
  • LAGOM Group Ltd (business and governance advisor)
  • Hayson Family Trust
  • Swinkels Family Trust
  • Chartered Member – Institute of Directors (NZ)
  • Member Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Fellow – Certified Practising Accountants of Australia
  • House in Tauranga
  • Independent Member – Audit Committee of Sunshine Coast Council (term August 2022 to November 2025).

Spouse/partner declared business interest

  • Raemor Management LTD
  • Raemor Trust