Notices of requirement are how requiring authorities designate land for a particular activity, often a public work.
What is a Notice of Requirement?
A Notice of Requirement is an application by a requiring authority such as a Minister of the Crown, a network utility operator or a local authority for a designation for a particular activity, often a public work.
Designations are district plan provisions that allow land to be used for public works and other essential projects. If the needs of a requiring authority change, the requiring authority can apply for their existing designation to be altered or removed.
Information about designations
When an application for a Notice of Requirement is received by Council we process it in accordance with the Resource Management Act.
- This may involve public notification, submissions and a hearing (if required).
- Following notification, submissions and a hearing, Council makes a recommendation to the requiring authority that they either confirm, modify or withdraw the requirement.
- The requiring authority then accepts or rejects our recommendation in whole or in part.
- The decision is then notified and there is an appeal period. If a Notice of Requirement is confirmed, it is included as a designation in the District Plan.
All actual costs related to processing a Notice of Requirement, including Council officers’ time and hearing costs, are borne by the Requiring Authority. These costs are outlined in Council's Long Term Plan.
Notice of Requirement for the Eastern Hills Reservoir
Hutt City Council has received a Notice of Requirement for a designation for a new reservoir at the top of Summit Road, Fairfield (37 Summit Road). Hutt City Council is also the requiring authority for this reservoir as a provider of water infrastructure.
The proposed designation for the reservoir would provide for construction, operation and maintenance of the reservoir. Construction activities will include bulk earthworks, vegetation clearance and installation of new pipes connecting to the reservoir.
Notice of Requirement - Eastern Hills Reservoir (PDF 2.9 MB)
Appendix A - Design Plans and Designation Plans (PDF 12.9 MB)
Appendix B - Proposed Conditions (PDF 265 kb)
Appendix C - Preliminary Design Report (PDF 24.6 MB)
Appendix D - Construction Methodology (PDF 11.5 MB)
Appendix E - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (PDF 40.7 MB)
Appendix F - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (PDF 4.7 MB)
Appendix G - Ecological Report (PDF 17.8 MB)
Appendix H - Noise and Vibration Assessment (PDF 15.1 MB)
Appendix I - Contaminated Land Study (PDF 5.1 MB)
Appendix J - Archaeological Risk Check (PDF 762 kb)
Appendix K - Cultural Impact Assessment (PDF 1.3 MB)
Appendix L - Social Impact Assessment (PDF 8.9 MB)
Appendix M - Site Selection Report (PDF 22.8 MB)
Appendix N - Construction Transport Assessment (PDF 1.5 MB)
Appendix O - Recreation Assessment (PDF 6.9 MB)
Appendix P - Pipe Alignment Report (PDF 6.0 MB)
Appendix Q - Schedule of Relevant Provisions (PDF 181 kb)
RFI Response Connect Water NPS IB 24.11.2024 (PDF 156 kb)
Appendix G Updated Ecology Report (PDF 17.8 MB)
Updated NoR Application (PDF 2.9 MB )
Proposed Conditions 5.09.2024 (PDF 303 kb)
Ecology RFI Response 5.09.2024 (PD 1.34 MB)
RFI Response Geotech 8.08.2024 (PDF 837 kb)
LVA RFI Viewpoint 5 24.07.2024 (PDF 1.3 MB)
LVA Appendix B 24.07.2024 Support Maps and Photo Essay (PDF 16.5 MB)
LVA RFI Response 24.07.2024 (PDF 528 kb)
RFI response Traffic 10.06.2024 (PDF 503 kb)
RFI response Noise 24.06.2024 (PDF 246 kb)
RFI response Ecology 27.06.2024 (PDF 312 kb)
Applicant request to revise ecology assessment 28.05.2024 (PDF 167 kb)
Eastern Hills Reservoir NoR - Minute #1 of Commissioner (PDF 135 kb)
Eastern Hills Reservoir NoR - Minute#2 of Commissioner (PDF 196 kb)
Eastern Hills Reservoir NoR - Minute#3 of Commissioner (PDF 117 kb)
Eastern Hills Reservoir NoR - Minute#4 of Commissioner (PDF 58.5 kb)
Ministry of Education - Hearing Letter to be Tabled (PDF 222 kb)
Hearing Schedule (PDF 135 kb)
Lower Hutt Central Reservoir Legal Submissions (PDF 740 kb)
WWL Response to Minute #2 (PDF 207 kb)
Recommended Conditions - WWL Reply to Minute 2 TRACKED (PDF 409 kb)
Recommended conditions - WWL Reply to Minute 2 CLEAN (PDF 393 kb)
Catherine Lucy Swan Crooks - Summary Statement (PDF 926 kb)
Mark Hansen - Summary Statement and Additional Clarification (PDF 3 MB)
Wendy Rosalie Hoddinott - Summary Statement and amended Appendix 2 (PDF 1.2 MB)
Submitters Evidence during Hearing _ Colin Holt 28 Nov 2024 (PDF 42.2 MB)
Submitters Evidence photos presented on 28Nov 2024_Richard Parry (PDF 154 kb)
Lower Hutt Central Reservoir Legal Submissions in Reply (12529180.1) (PDF 3.8 MB)
Joint Witness Statement Eastern Hills Reservoir (PDF 1.2MB)
Eastern Hills Reservoir NoR- Officer's Report (PDF 6.34 MB)
Eastern Hills Reservoir NoR- Officer's Recommended Conditions (PDF 322 kb)
Catherine Crooks WWL Evidence- Planning (PDF 940 kb)
Laurence Edwards WWL Evidence- Project Strategy (PDF 207 kb)
Paul Carran WWL Evidence- Site Selection (PDF 128 kb)
Mark Hansen WWL Evidence- Ecology (PDF 369 kb)
Campbell Keepa WWL Evidence- Geotechnical Matters (PDF 67.1 kb)
Wendy Hoddinott WWL Evidence- Landscape (PDF 7.9 MB)
Hilary Fowler WWL Evidence- Traffic (PDF 79.9 kb)
Leonard Terry WWL Evidence- Noise and Vibration (PDF 1.5 MB)
This Notice of Requirement was publicly notified for submissions. Submissions closed on Friday, 3 May 2024.
Public Notice of the Notice of Requirement (PDF 101 kb)
The Hearing for the Notice of Requirement for the Eastern Hills Reservoir was held on Thursday, 28 November 2024, at the Council Chambers, Level 2, Hutt City Council, 30 Laings Road.
Commissioner Jason Jones has made a decision on the Eastern Hills Reservoir Notice of Requirement. The requirement is confirmed subject to the conditions in Appendix 1.
Decision on Eastern Hill Reservoir Notice of Requirement (PDF 815 kb)
Appendix 1 - Designation Conditions (PDF 271 kb)