
Subdivision involves the division of a property or building into multiple allotments, or the alteration of existing boundaries.

The way a site is subdivided can influence the future use and development of the land, which in turn can influence the values and character of a site and potentially impact future use and development on adjacent sites. Subdivision can also affect the natural and physical environment and introduce long-term development patterns.

The Subdivision chapter sets objectives, policies and rules to manage subdivision.

The rules are more restrictive for subdivision in some specified locations, including natural hazard areas, Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes, coastal areas, heritage areas, and sites and areas of significance to Māori.

Please note: this chapter contains some provisions that have immediate legal effect. These are identified in the Proposed District Plan with a red outline and a gavel icon.

Read this chapter in the plan

Read the Subdivision s32 Evaluation Report (PDF 1.5 MB)