Proposed District Plan Designations


A designation is land set aside for public works or projects like roads, telecommunications and electricity networks, or schools.

If an area of your property is designated for one of these purposes you cannot make changes to the land without prior written consent of the requiring authority. Examples of requiring authorities include the Councils, the New Zealand Transport Agency and the Minister of Education.

The Proposed District Plan includes some Notices of Requirement for new designations. It also includes designations that requiring authorities have requested be rolled over from the Operative District Plan into the Proposed District Plan, some with modifications and some with no modifications.

Notices of Requirement

All Notices of Requirement are listed below:

Greater Wellington Regional Council

Hutt City Council

This document includes notices of requirement for:

  • HCC-25: Esplanade Central Wastewater Pumpstation
  • HCC-26: Esplanade West Wastewater Pumpstation
  • HCC-27: Wellington Road Wastewater Pumpstation
  • HCC-28: Marine Parade Wastewater Pumpstation
  • HCC-29: Te Mome Stormwater Pumpstation
  • HCC-30: Kingsley Water Supply Reservoir
  • HCC-31: Manor Park Water Supply Reservoir
  • HCC-32: Gracefield Water Supply Reservoir
  • HCC-33: Maungaraki Water Supply Reservoir
  • HCC-34: Point Howard Water Supply Reservoir
  • HCC-35: Rata Street Water Supply Reservoir
  • HCC-36: Taita Water Supply Reservoir
  • HCC-37: Normandale Water Supply Reservoir
  • HCC-38: Gawler Grove Water Supply Reservoir

Minister of Education MED

Rollover of Existing designations

Rollover Notices for existing designations have been received from the following,

  • MCHI: Minister for Children - Rolled over without modification