District plan fees and charges

Find out about fees and charges for Hutt City District Plan changes. Fees and charges include Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Requests for changes to District Plan

All actual costs related to the proposed plan change, including Council officers’ time, will be borne by the applicant as follows:

Fee type2024-2025 Fee
Requests for Change to District Plan (deposit) $12,750.00
Processing: up to 50 hours
All work undertaken by Council’s officers in connection with the request for the change shall be charged against the deposit at: Business Support: $150.00 per hour

Planner: $255.00 per hour
Hearing Commissioner time shall be recovered for time spent in hearings and deliberating.
Council Commissioners:
Independent Commissioners:
Member of hearing panel:
$116.00 per hour
$93.00 per hour
Note: the above fees are set in accordance with local Government Members Determination

Actual cost
Actual cost

Please note:

  • If the proposed change is notified publicly, advertising charges will be actual costs payable by the applicant.
  • All information requested by the Council shall be supplied at the applicant’s cost.
  • All work undertaken by independent consultants, advisors and/or specialists in connection with the request for the change shall be charged at the actual costs plus disbursements against the deposit.
  • Actual costs of any external venue or equipment hire to run a successful hearing shall be borne by the applicant.

Notice of Requirement and Alterations to Notices of Requirement

All actual costs related to the requirement, including Council officers’ time, will be borne by the Requiring Authority as follows:

Fee type2024-2025 Fee
Notice of Requirement and Alterations to Notices of Requirement (deposit) $12,750.00
All work undertaken by Council officers in connection with the requirement shall be charged against the deposit at: Business Support: $150.00 per hour

Planner: $255.00 per hour
Hearing Commissioner time shall be recovered for time spent in hearings and deliberating.
Council Commissioners:
Independent Commissioners:
Member of hearing panel
$116.00 per hour
$93.00 per hour
Note: the above fees are set in accordance with local Government Members Determination

Actual cost
Actual cost

Please note:

  • If the requirement is notified publicly, advertising charges will be actual costs payable by the Requiring Authority.
  • All information requested by Council shall be supplied at the Requiring Authority’s cost.
  • All work undertaken by independent consultants, advisors and/or specialists in connection with the requirement shall be charged at the actual costs plus disbursements against the deposit.
  • Actual costs of any external venue or equipment hire to run a successful hearing shall be borne by the applicant.

Purchasing a printed copy of the District Plan

Service2024-2025 Fee
Electronic Copy Available online free of charge
Complete Set We encourage use of the ePlan.
Costs will be dependent on the officer time required.
Business Support: $150.00 per hour
Planner: $255.00 per hour