District plan change 12

Operative date

This plan change became operative on 1 December 2011.

About this plan change

District Plan Change 12 addresses the key issues that arose from a review of the residential area provisions in the District Plan.  It includes provisions for future growth, encouraging appropriate higher density housing and ensuring efficient implementation of the District Plan provisions.  It also amends the reserves contribution provisions in the District Plan to provide for a maximum dollar value for allotments in residential and rural areas.

StepsStatus of each stepRelated documents
Notification (submissions)

Publicly notified
21 February 2009

Submissions closed
27 March 2009

Introduction (PDF 34 kb)

Public notice (PDF 31 kb)

Proposed amendments (PDF 116 kb)

Proposed amendments to planning maps (PDF 11 kb)

Chapters as they will look:
Maps (PDF 986 kb)
Text (PDF 2.1 Mb)

Section 32 evaluation (PDF 168 kb)

Further submissionsAmended summary of submissions publicly notified
19 May 2009

Further submissions closed
19 June 2009

Amended public notice for summary of submissions (PDF 22 kb)

Amended summary of submission sought (PDF 504 kb)

HearingHearing held
17, 25 September 2009
and 2 October 2009 
Officer's report (PDF 4 Mb)
DecisionDecision notified
26 January 2010 
AppealsAll appeals resolved 
Operative date1 December 2011Sign and Seal (PDF 386 kb)

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.