About this plan change
District Plan Change 22 rezoned part of the Council owned land at 6 – 15 Kelso Grove, Kelson (Lot 527 DP 42342, Certificate of Title 517734) as General Residential Activity Area. At present the land is zoned General Recreation Activity Area. The plan change enabled subdivision and development of part of the site for residential activities to the extent provided for by the provisions of the General Residential Activity Area. The remaining part of the site was retained as General Recreation Activity Area.
Steps | Status of each step | Related documents |
Notification (submissions) | Publicly notified Submissions close | Proposed plan change (PDF 474kb) Appendix 1 (PDF 982 kb) Appendix 2 (PDF 816 kb) Appendix 3 (PDF 1 Mb) Appendix 4 (PDF 1 Mb) Appendix 5 (PDF 982 kb) Appendix 6 (PDF 1 Mb) Appendix 7 (PDF 205 kb) Appendix 8 (PDF 2 Mb) |
Further submissions | Summary of Submissions notified 12 July 2011 Further Submissions close 26 July 2011 | Summary of Submissions (PDF 140 kb) |
Hearing | 29 September 2011 | Officer's Report (PDF 344 kb) Appendix 1 (PDF 255 kb) Appendix 2 (PDF 2 Mb) Appendix 3 (PDF 50 kb) |
Decision | Decision notified 20 December 2011 | Decision (PDF 3 MB) |
Appeals | No appeals | |
Operative date | 2 April 2012 | Sign and Seal (PDF 378 kb) |
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about this change.