About council meetings

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About Council meetings

All meetings are open to the public except for 'public excluded' items.

Most Council meetings are held at the Council Chambers, next to our main offices at 30 Laings Road Lower Hutt. Community board meetings are usually held in our suburbs at libraries or meeting rooms.

If you have a complaint about how we administer meetings, briefings or workshops, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman.

Council briefing presentations

Briefings are an informal way of providing information to councillors. They are a way for councillors to informally discuss matters or policy issues before they are considered through the normal committee structure. They are not a meeting for decision-making, but an opportunity for councillors to seek detail and raise questions.

25 January 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Jackson St to the Esplanade Cycling Connection 25 January 2023.pdf
Presentation: Jackson St to the Esplanade Cycling Connection 25 January 2023.pdf
140 KB
2.28 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Biodiversity Strategy 25 January 2023.pdf
Presentation: Biodiversity Strategy 25 January 2023.pdf
180 KB
1.5 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill 25 January 2023.pdf
Presentation: Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill 25 January 2023.pdf
189 KB
339 KB
Open Briefing Notes: Waterloo to CBD Cycleway 25 January 2023.pdf
Presentation: Waterloo to CBD Cycleway 25 January 2023.pdf
140 KB
653 KB
Open Briefing Notes: Ngauranga to Petone Cycleway 25 January 2023.pdf
Presentation: Ngauranga to Petone Cycleway 25 January 2023.pdf
175 KB
2.13 MB
8 February 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Three Water Submission 8 February 2023.pdf
Presentation: Three Water Submission 8 February 2023.pdf
138 KB
871 KB
Open Briefing Notes: Three Waters Operating and Capital Expenditure 8 February 2023.pdf
Presentation: Three Waters Operating and Capital Expenditure 8 February 2023.pdf
168 KB
630 KB
Open Briefing Notes: Annual Plan 2023/24 Matters 8 February 2023.pdf
Presentation: Annual Plan 2023/24 Matters 8 February 2023.pdf
158 KB
748 KB
15 March 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Financial Ramifications of Stormwater and Wastewater Consents 15 March 2023.pdf
Presentation: Financial Ramifications of Stormwater and Wastewater Consents 15 March 2023.pdf
145 KB
1.44 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Draft Speed Management Plan 15 March 2023.pdf
Presentation: Draft Speed Management Plan 15 March 2023.pdf
140 KB
635 KB
12 April 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Assets Review 12 April 2023.pdf
Presentation: Assets Review 12 April 2023.pdf
101 KB
395 KB
10 May 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Riverlink 10 May 2023.pdf
Presentation: Riverlink 10 May 2023.pdf
89.1 KB
1.13 MB
151 KB
3.10 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Climate Change by Dave Lowe 10 May 2023.pdf
Watch Dave Lowe's Briefing on Climate Change here
213 KB
24 May 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Representation Review 2024 24 May 2023.pdf
Presentation: Representation Review 2024 24 May 2023.pdf
139 KB
801 KB
14 June 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Riverlink Name Transition 14 June 2023.pdf
Presentation: Riverlink Name Transition 14 June 2023.pdf
103 KB
3.82 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Organics Business Case 14 June 2023.pdf
Presentation: Organics Business Case 14 June 2023.pdf
125 KB
4.17 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Wellington Regional Waste and Management Plan 14 June 2023.pdf
Presentation: Wellington Regional Waste and Management Plan 14 June 2023.pdf
121 KB
1.94  MB

Presentation: Investment  into Sport and Recreation 14 June 2023.pdf

1.01 MB
21 June 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Long Term plan/ Annual Plan 21 June 2023.pdf
Presentation: Long Term plan/ Annual Plan 21 June 2023.pdf
139 KB
553 KB
6 July 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: District Plan Review Committee Workshop 6 July 2023.pdf
Presentation: District Plan Review Committee Workshop 6 July 2023.pdf
132 KB
1.01 MB
12 July 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Urban Renewal Programme Update 12 July 2023.pdf
Presentation: Urban Renewal Programme Update 12 July 2023.pdf
1.46 KB
5.94 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Micromobility Programme 12 July 2023.pdf
Presentation: Micromobility Programme 12 July 2023.pdf
125 KB
1.64 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Spatial Plan 12 July 2023.pdf
Presentation: Spatial Plan 12 July 2023.pdf
123 KB
4.65 MB
25 July 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Overview of Police Operations in Lower Hutt 25 July 2023.pdf127 KB
9 August 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Knowing your pipes 9 August 2023.pdf
Presentation: Knowing your pipes 9 August 2023.pdf
142 KB
3.96 MB
16 August 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Reserves Investment Strategy 16 August 2023.pdf
Presentation: Reserves Investment Strategy 16 August 2023.pdf
120 KB
925 KB
Open Briefing Notes: Long Term Plan Early Engagement 16 August 2023.pdf
Presentation: Long Term Plan Early Engagement 16 August 2023.pdf
185 KB
114 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Urban Renewal Update 16 August 2023.pdf
Presentation: Urban Renewal Update 16 August 2023.pdf
137 KB
11.7 MB
Open Briefing Notes: National Land Transport Programme 2024-27.pdf
Presentation: National Land Transport Programme 2024-27.pdf
131 KB
2.02 MB
11 October 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Infrastructure Strategy 2024 - 11 October 2023.pdf
Presentation: Infrastructure Strategy 2024 - 11 October 2023.pdf
124 KB
1.15 MB
Open Briefing Notes: Regional Emissions Reduction Project 11 October 2023.pdf
Presentation: Regional Emissions Reduction Project 11 October 2023.pdf
119 KB
1.65 MB
25 October 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Māori Strategy 25 October 2023.pdf
Presentation: Māori Strategy 25 October 2023.pdf
133 KB
1.56 MB
Open Briefing Notes:  Homelessness Strategy 25 October 2023
Presentation: Homelessness review 25 October 2023
126 KB
1094 KB
8 November 2023 

Open Briefing Notes: Te Manu Karere | Māori Wards 8 November 2023
Presentation:  Māori Wards Engagement and Next Steps 8 November 2023
Attachment: Māori Wards FAQs 8 November 2023 
Attachment: Māori Wards Themes from Hui 8 November 2023

127 KB
920 KB
274 KB
186 KB

22 November 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Development Contributions Policy 22 November 2023.pdf
Presentation: Development Contributions Policy 22 November 2023.pdf
133 KB
1.01 MB
6 December 2023 
Open Briefing Notes: Representation Review update 6 December 2023
Presentation:  Representation Review update 6 December 2023
128 KB
188 KB
Open Briefing Notes:  Consultation priorities for the draft Long Term Plan 6 December 2023
Presentation:  Long Term Plan consultation document update 6 December 2023
135 KB
760 KB

16-03-2022 Water regulation update 
Open Briefing Notes: Water regulation update 16 March 2022.pdf
Presentation: Water regulation update 16 March 2022.pdf
139 KB
1.33 MB
06-04-22 Housing and development applications 
Open Briefing Notes:  Housing and development applications 6 April 2022.pdf
Presentation: Housing and development applications 6 April 2022.pdf
230.0 KB
3.6 MB
06-04-22 Rates remissions on Māori freehold land 
Open Briefing Notes: rates remissions on Māori freehold land 6 April 2022.pdf
Presentation: Rates remissions on Māori freehold land 6 April 2022.pdf
191 KB
733 KB
11-05-2022  Three Waters update 
Open Briefing Notes: Three Waters Results of Engagement and Reform Programme 11 May 2022.pdf133 KB
13-07-2022 Submission on the NPS-IB exposure draft 

Open Briefing Notes: Submission on the NPS-IB exposure draft 13 July 2022.pdf
Presentation: Submission on the NPS-IB exposure draft presentation 13 July 2022.pdf

143 KB
2.85 MB
10-08-2022  Silverstream Landfill and Resource Recovery 
Open Briefing Notes: Silverstream Landfill and Resource Recovery 8 August 2022.pdf
Presentation: Silverstream Landfill and Resource Recovery 8 August 2022.pdf
195 KB
2.01 MB
31-08-2022 Government Emission Reduction Plan 
Open Briefing Notes: Government Emission Reduction Plan 31 August 2022.pdf
Presentation: Government Emission Reduction Plan 31 August 2022.pdf
31-08-2022 Hutt City Three Waters Growth Study 
Open Briefing Notes: Growth Study 31 August 2022.pdf
Presentation: Hutt City Council Three Waters Growth Study Report 31 August 2022.pdf
Presentation: Hutt City Three Waters  Growth Study 31 August 2022.pdf
17-11-2022  Draft Annual Plan 2023-2024 
Open Briefing Notes: Draft Annual Plan 2023-2024 17 November 2022
Presentations: Draft Annual Plan Presentation 2023-2024 17 November 2022.pdf
22-11-2022  Rating Values and Revaluation 
Open Briefing Notes: Rating Values and Revaluation 22 November 2022.pdf
Presentation: 2022 Citywide Rating Revaluation Briefing 22 November 2022.pdf
7-12-2022 Annual Plan 2023-2024 
Open Briefing Notes: Draft Annual Plan 2023-2024 7 December 2022.pdf
Presentation: Draft Annual Plan 2023-2024 7 December 2022.pdf
7-12-2022 Hutt City Revaluation 2022 
Open Briefing Notes: Hutt City District Revaluation 7 December 2022.pdf
Presentation: Hutt City District Revaluation 2022 7 December 2022.pdf

TitleRecord #Size
01 - 27-01-2021 - RiverLink  
27 January 2021 RiverLink Briefing Notes.PDF
27 January 2021 RiverLink Presentation.PDF
230.0 KB
3.6 MB        
02 - 27-1-21 - Spatial Plans  
27 January 2021 - Briefing Spatial Plans - presentation.PDF DOC/21/56496 1.3 MB
03 - 27-01-21 - Comms and Engagement Plan (LTP)  
27 January 2021 Briefing Communications and Engagement Plan.PDF DOC/21/56547 852.2 KB
04 - 11-02-21 - Citys Economic Outlook for next few years (Infometrics)  
11 February 2021 Briefing Infometrics - City's economic outlook for next few years - presentation DOC/21/56498 270.0 KB
05 - 11-02-21 - Update from Whaitua Committee  
11 February 2021 Briefing Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara.PDF DOC/21/56508 1.7 MB
06 - 11-02-21 - Ratepayer Financial Scheme (LGNZ)  
11 February 2021 Briefing Ratepayer Financial Scheme (LGNZ).PDF DOC/21/56505 338.0 KB
07 - 24-2-21 - Wellington Water Supply System  
24 Feb 2021 Briefing Wgtn Water - water supply system.PDF
24 Feb 2021 Presentation Wellington Water - water supply system.PDF
244.5 KB
3.4 MB
08 - 24-02-21 - PwC - Three Waters Reform DIV/21/5714  
24 Feb 2021 Briefing Waters Reform Update.PDF
24 Feb 2021 Presentation - Three Waters Reform.PDF
24 Feb 2021 Presentation Water Reform Update to HCC.PDF
247.7 KB
313.0 KB
561.1 KB
09 - 10-3-21 - Wainuiomata Town Centre - framework and streetscape plan DIV/21/5462  
10 March 2021 Briefing Wainuiomata Town Centre Framework.PDF DOC/21/56546 18.8 MB
11 - 07-04-21 - Landfill impact and outcomes framework DIV/21/5464  
7 April 2021 Briefing Silverstream Landfill.PDF
2.5 MB
12 - 7-4-21 - Neighbourhoods and Communities approach DIV/21/5465  
7 April 2021 Briefing Neighbourhoods and Communities approach.PDF
1.2 MB
13 - 07-04-21 - Knowing your pipes DIV/21/5721  
7 April 2021 Briefing Knowing Your Pipes presentation from WW.PDF
3.0 MB
14 - 10-3-21 - Code of Conduct DIV/21/5715  
10 March 2021 Briefing Councils Code of Conduct.PDF
10 March 2021 Presentation Code of Conduct.PDF
213.3 KB
578.1 KB
15 - 21-4-21 - Councils role in developing a resilient food network DIV/21/5716  
21 April 2021 Briefing Resilient Food Network notes.PDF DOC/21/56461 469.5 KB
21 April 2021 Briefing Resilient Food Network.PDF DOC/21/56463 246.2 KB
21 April 2021 Presentation Resilient Food Network 2.PDF DOC/21/56523 1.7 MB
16 - 13-05-21 - Summary of Long Term Plan Submissions DIV/21/5717  
13 May 2021 Briefing - Summary of Long Term Plan Submissions.PDF DOC/21/56511 1.6 MB
17 - 13-05-21 - RiverLink Update DIV/21/5718  
13 May 2021 RiverLink Update.PDF DOC/21/56512 4.7 MB
18 - 13-05-21 - Petone Wharf Update DIV/21/5719  
13 May 2021 Briefing Petone Wharf.PDF DOC/21/56456 461.8 KB
19 - 13-05-21 - Cycling and Micro-mobility Business Case DIV/21/5720  
13 May 2021 Briefing Cycling and Micromobility.PDF DOC/21/56510 3.1 MB
20 - 02-06-21 - Council Key Performance Indicators DIV/21/6312  
2 June 2021 Briefing - Council Key Performance Indicators - presentation.PDF DOC/21/62032 267.8 KB
2 June 2021 Briefing - Council Key Performance Indicators.PDF DOC/21/62030 203.7 KB
21 - 02-06-21 - RMA Reform DIV/21/7852  
2 June 2021 Briefing Presentation RMA Reform.PDF DOC/21/79338 806.3 KB
2 June 2021 Briefing RMA Reform.PDF DOC/21/79335 211.1 KB
22 - 02-06-21 - Community Funding Approach DIV/21/7853  
2 June 2021 Briefing Community Funding Approach.PDF DOC/21/79339 216.0 KB
2 June 2021 Briefing Presentation - Community funding approach.PDF DOC/21/79342 113.8 KB
23 - 16-06-21 - Seaview Wharf DIV/21/7854  
16 June 2021 Briefing Presentation Seaview Wharf.PDF DOC/21/79352 1.0 MB
16 June 2021 Briefing Seaview Wharf Resilience.PDF DOC/21/79350 197.8 KB
24 - 16-06-21 - Wainuiomata Streetscape DIV/21/7855  
16 June 2021 Briefing Presentation Wainuiomata Streetscape.PDF DOC/21/79356 22.3 MB
16 June 2021 Briefing Wainuiomata Streetscape.PDF DOC/21/79354 201.2 KB
25 - 13-07-2021 - Interim Carbon Reduction and Climate Resilience Plan DIV/21/8157  
13 July 2021 Briefing Interim Carbon Reduction and Climate Resilience Plan.PDF DOC/21/84673 186.1 KB
13 July 2021 Presentation Interim Carbon Reduction and Climate Resilience Plan.PDF DOC/21/84675 1.6 MB
26 - 13-07-2021 - Integrated Transport Strategy DIV/21/8158  
13 July 2021 Briefing Integrated Transport Strategy.PDF DOC/21/84683 191.5 KB
13 July 2021 Briefing Memorandum Integrated Transport Strategy.PDF DOC/21/84796 195.0 KB
13 July 2021 Presentation Integrated Transport Strategy.PDF DOC/21/84684 275.7 KB
27 - 22-07-21- Strategic directions- District Plan DIV/21/9325  
22 July 2021 Briefing Strategic Directions section of the new District Plan.PDF DOC/21/101456 259.6 KB
22 July 2021 Presentation Strategic Directions section of the new District Plan.PDF DOC/21/101458 426.3 KB
28 - 4-08-2021 - Draft Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara report DIV/21/10185  
4 August 2021 Briefing Draft Whaitua Te Whanganui a Tara report.PDF DOC/21/110500 217.1 KB
4 August 2021 Presentation - Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara.PDF DOC/21/110501 2.8 MB
29 - 18-08-2021 - Wellington Water DIV/21/9028  
18 August 2021 Briefing Wellington Water Update.PDF DOC/21/96270 323.3 KB
18 August 2021 Presentation Wellington Water Update.PDF DOC/21/96272 1.8 MB
30 - 18-08-2021 - Three Waters Reform DIV/21/9029  
18 August 2021 Briefing Three Waters Reform.PDF DOC/21/96274 238.0 KB
18 August 2021 Presentation Three Waters Reform.PDF DOC/21/96273 1.9 MB
31 - 18-08-21 - Class IV Gaming Venue Policy DIV/21/10090  
18 August 2021 - Briefing Class IV Gaming Policy - Superseded.docx DOC/21/109503 217.1 KB
18 August 2021 - Briefing Class IV Gaming Policy.PDF DOC/21/109503 217.1 KB
18 August 2021 - NZIER Presentation Harmless Fun for All - Class IV Gaming.PDF DOC/21/108920 457.7 KB
18 August 2021 - NZIER report - Class IV gaming social and economic impacts.PDF DOC/21/108922 1.5 MB
18 August 2021 - Presentation Class IV Gaming Venue Policy 2021-24.PDF DOC/21/108916 500.1 KB
33 - 29-09-21 - Kaupapa Here Tapanga  Naming Policy DIV/21/10092  
29 September 2021 - Presentation Kaupapa Here Tapanga  Naming Policy 2021.PDF DOC/21/108909 816.0 KB
29 September 2021 Briefing Kaupapa Here Tapanga Naming Policy.PDF DOC/21/108912 237.5 KB
29 September 2021 Policy DRAFT Kaupapa Here Tapanga  Naming Policy.PDF DOC/21/108910 882.5 KB
34- 28-10-2021  
28 October 2021 Briefing Whaitua Implementation Programme Briefing.PDF DOC/21/281021 155 KB
28 October 2021 Presentation Whaitua Implementation Programme.PDF DOC/21/281021 818 KB
35 - 01-12-21 - Update on Covid-19  
1 December 2021 COVID Presentation 1.18 MB
1 December 2021 COVID Briefing  217 KB
36 - 01-12-21 - Wainuiomata Streetscape design update  
1 December  2021 Wainuiomata Streetscape Design presentation  10.2 MB
1 December 2021 Wainuiomata Streetscape Design Briefing  187 KB

TitleRecord #Size
01 - 29-01-2020 - Rubbish and recycling kerbside changes.PDF DOC/20/8387 896.2 KB
02 - 28-01-2020 - Rating options for consultation.PDF DOC/20/8388 836.9 KB
03 - 29-01-2020 - Early Investment Signals for the 2021-31 LTP from Wellington Water.PDF DOC/20/8390 4.2 MB
04 - 05-02-2020 - Draft AP and LTP amendment and summary of financial strategy and planning.PDF DOC/20/11613 1.2 MB
05 - 12-02-2020 - Seaview Marina.PDF DOC/20/13619 1.1 MB
06 - 12-02-2020 - Whaitua presentation.PDF DOC/20/13620 1.9 MB
07 - 12-02-2020 - Urban Plus Group.PDF DOC/20/13705 2.2 MB
08 - 24-02-2020 - National Policy Statement Indigenous Biodiversity.PDF DOC/20/18741 329.4 KB
09 - 11-03-2020 - Housing Demand and Need in Lower Hutt - Superseded.pptx DOC/20/24057 1.4 MB
09 - 11-03-2020 - Housing Demand and Need in Lower Hutt.PDF DOC/20/24057 1.4 MB
10 - 11-03-2020 - Baring Head Restoration.PDF DOC/20/27546 7.6 MB
11 - 29-05-2020 - Annual Plan DIV/20/7258  
Appendix 1 Draft Annual Plan Feedback Form 2020-21 8 May to 12 May 2020.PDF DOC/20/41339 6.6 MB
Appendix 2 Interim Summary of Feedback 18 May 2020.PDF DOC/20/41340 3.4 MB
Appendix 3 Draft Annual Plan Feedback Form 2020-21 19 May -22 May 2020.PDF DOC/20/41341 21.6 MB
Appendix 4 Qualitative Analysis.PDF DOC/20/41342 1.2 MB
Appendix 5 Quantitative Analysis.PDF DOC/20/41344 932.3 KB
Appendix 6 Media activity prepost draft Annual Plan 2020 engagement.PDF DOC/20/41346 70.9 KB
Appendix 7 Notes from the virtual public meetings.PDF DOC/20/41347 387.4 KB
Appendix 8 CEO”s statement 7 May 2020.PDF DOC/20/41348 455.6 KB
12 - 03-06-2020 - RiverLink.PDF DOC/20/42571 4.2 MB
13 - 24-08-2020 - Rubbish and recycling DIV/20/7257  
Rubbish and recycling briefing notes.PDF DOC/20/84985 197.2 KB
Rubbish and recycling consultation final results.PDF DOC/20/79228 1.1 MB
Rubbish and recycling kerbside changes.PDF DOC/20/79227 1.3 MB
14 - 16-09-2020 - Lets Get Wellington Moving DIV/20/7837  
Lets Get Wellington Moving - briefing notes.PDF DOC/20/94265 200.2 KB
Lets Get Wellington Moving - briefing presentation.PDF DOC/20/94264 2.0 MB
15 - 16-09-2020 - Naenae project update DIV/20/7841  
Naenae project update briefing notes.PDF DOC/20/94315 197.2 KB
Naenae project update briefing presentation.PDF DOC/20/94318 1.4 MB
16 - 07-10-2020 - Fraser Park Sportsville DIV/20/8405  
Fraser Park Sportsville - briefing notes.PDF DOC/20/102356 251.0 KB
Fraser Park Sportsville - lessons learned.PDF DOC/20/102355 409.5 KB
17 - 07-10-2020 - Heritage Policy DIV/20/8406  
Heritage Policy - briefing notes.PDF DOC/20/102361 236.7 KB
Heritage Policy - presentation.PDF DOC/20/102359 648.2 KB
18 - 28-10-2020 - Wellington Regional Growth Framework DIV/20/8573  
Wellington Regional Growth Framework - briefing notes.PDF DOC/20/104511 235.9 KB
Regional Growth Framework - draft workshop presentation.PDF DOC/20/104517 1.4 MB
Regional Growth Framework - Joint Committee presentation.PDF DOC/20/104516 1.0 MB
19 - 19-11-2020 - E-Scooters DIV/20/9611  
E-scooter briefing memorandum.PDF DOC/20/120111 1.9 MB
E-scooter briefing notes.PDF DOC/20/120112 102.8 KB
20 - 11-11-2020 - Long Term Plan 2021-31 DIV/20/9612  
Long Term Plan 2021-2031 briefing notes.PDF DOC/20/120126 289.8 KB
Development Contribution Policy Changes Presentation - Funding Growth Infrastructure 2021.PDF DOC/20/120128 1.1 MB
21 - 2-12-2020 - Ngā Ūranga ki Pito One DIV/20/9928 #N/A
Briefing Notes - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Nga Uranga to Pito-one.PDF DOC/20/123288 233.7 KB
Briefing Presentation - Te Ara Tupua Nga Uranga ki Pito-One.PDF DOC/20/123289 3.4 MB

Council meeting presentations

Long Term Plan/ Annual Plan Subcommittee Meeting -  30 August 2023 
Draft Long-Term Plan Finance Update 2024-34598 KB
Draft Urban Renewal Programme1.19 MB
District Plan Review Committee Meeting - 18 October 2023 
District Plan Review Committee Presentation 2.50 MB
Long Term Plan/ Annual Plan Subcommittee Meeting - 30 October 2023 
Draft Long Term Plan 2024-34 Progressing decisions on financial aspects1.50 MB
Long Term Plan/ Annual Plan Subcommittee Meeting - 27 November 2023 
Draft Long Term Plan 2024-34 Progressing decisions on financial aspects1.75 MB
Revenue and Financing Policy Review Part 20.99 MB
Long Term Plan/ Annual Plan Subcommittee Meeting -  12 December 2023 
Development & Financial Contributions Policy664 KB
Draft Long-Term Plan 2024-341.12 MB

TitleRecord #Size
Chief Executives KPIs for 2021 - 2022.PDF DOC/21/101395 1013.1 KB
Council 10 August 2021 - Further Information on Agreement to Lease Event.PDF DOC/21/91826 5.4 MB
Council Staff Survey Engagement Profiles 2011-2021.PDF DOC/21/101396 889.7 KB
Draft Long Term Plan - Comms and Engagement - LTP Subcommittee Meeting 10 February.PDF DOC/21/26872 483.7 KB
Draft Long Term Plan - LTP Subcommittee Meeting 10 February.PDF DOC/21/26873 1.4 MB
Long Term Plan 2021-31 Hearing- 20-21 May 2021 DIV/21/8370  
Presentations - 20 and 21 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/87191 9.7 MB
Tabled documents - Thursday 20 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/87195 6.8 MB
Tabled documents - Friday 21 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/87192 7.7 MB
Long Term Plan Submissions in order of speakers - Thursday 20 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/87199 8.7 MB
Long Term Plan Submissions in order of speakers - Friday 21 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/87197 9.4 MB
Hearing Timetable - Thursday 20 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/87202 433.0 KB
Hearing Timetable - Friday 21 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/87201 435.7 KB
MEMO Petone Community Board 30 August 2021 Approach to Libraries Maintenance.PDF DOC/21/97238 313.4 KB
Presentations - Long Term Plan Annual Plan Subcommittee meeting - 1 November 2021.PDF DOC/21/120290 3.0 MB
Presentations and tabled documents - Class 4 Gaming Venue and Board Venue Policy Hearings Subcommittee - 18 November 2021.PDF DOC/21/120291 2.6 MB
Progressing final LTP 2021-2031 decisions - LTP Subcommittee meeting 24 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/58016 1.9 MB
RiverLink - LTP Subcommittee meeting 24 May 2021.PDF DOC/21/58251 3.8 MB
Three Waters Summary presentation - Additional Council meeting 8 September 2021.PDF DOC/21/105263 1.3 MB
2021 November Presentation - Eastbourne and Petone Community Board meetings - Seaview Energy Resilience Project  3.23 MB