10 Year Plan 2024 - 2034

Whaowhia te pae tawhiti | Help us take the next steps

The 10 Year Plan, also known as the Long Term Plan (LTP), is council’s key strategic document. It sets out our priorities for the next 10 years, including what we will do, how much it will cost and how we will fund it. It’s reviewed every three years to make sure it is still relevant and accurate.

Check out some of the early thinking about our priorities.

Consultation is here…

Consultation closed Friday 3 May, 5pm. Thank you for your feedback.

Our consultation site is still available, even though our feedback form is now closed. Please visit for general information.

If you have any questions about our consultation email haveyoursay@huttcity.govt.nz or check out our Top 10 Questions.


April - May 2023
We developed our strategic framework after Councillors met and agreed on the key priorities; provide future-fit infrastructure, enabling a liveable city and vibrant neighbourhoods and support and enhance the environment.
June - August 2023
In July we carried out early engagement for our 10-Year Plan, to find out if it we were on the right track. Over 1,100 people responded to our survey from across Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt. We also engaged people through workshops and via our Community Panel.
June 2023 - March 2024
Engagement with Mana Whenua at quarterly hui to inform preparation of the draft Long Term Plan.
September-October 2023

We reported back to Councillors on the results from our early engagement. Councillors also started some early detailed planning for our 10-Year Plan at a full Council meeting, with lots of talk about our key priorities.

We progressed work on policies and strategies that will support and inform the 10-Year Plan such as the Infrastructure Strategy and the Significance and Engagement Policy.

November 2023
On 27 November we held a 10-Year Plan Council meeting to discuss our budgets. We streamed it Live for those that wanted to watch proceedings. We discussed some of the items that we will ask our community about as part of our 10-year planning.
December 2023 - March 2024
Work continues on our Draft 10-Year Plan and Consultation Document ahead of our formal consultation in April.
April 2024
From 2 April to 3 May, 5pm 2024 you can have your say on how we spend money over the next 10 years. Budget information and various options for spending will be provided in the Consultation Document. Our online survey will go Live on 2 April and we will have paper surveys at all our neighbourhood hubs. This will be your chance to get involved and have your say. Keep an eye on this page for updates.
May 2024
Following formal consultation, Councillors will carefully consider all community feedback and make final decisions.
Hearings will take place on 15, 16 and 17 May.        
June 2024
Council adopts the 2024-2034 10-Year Plan. A full version will be available on our website and in our neighbourhood hubs.