Learning programmes

Educators offer fun, interactive, curriculum-linked learning programmes for students, Year 1–13.  Contact us to share your learning focus and build a programme together.

Education programmes encourage students to think creatively while delving into the history of New Zealand and its relationships between Māori and Pakeha. Students will have the opportunity to develop core key competencies within an authentic context.

Te Whare Whakaaro o Pito-One
What are the stories of our local place?  How has this had an impact on us today and all of Aotearoa?
Students will explore how history is shared in many different ways and consider sources, perspectives and place.

What was Aotearoa like before the settlement of pakeha in Pito-one? 
Students will explore the impacts of colonisation on people and places in Aotearoa.

Students will discover the ways people have lived on the land and the impact it has had on our environment.

Amazing Race
Coming soon
Students race through Petone in groups. Engaging with the people, landmarks and facilities understanding how we all work together to create an effective community.

Our te reo Māori name Te Whare Whakaaro o Pito One means “the house of stories.” Like so many places, our house is temporarily closed but important stories are being lived and shared right now.

We need your help to collect these stories. Why not try creating a zine to capture your experience of this moment – we’ve created a few zine templates to help you do this:

  • The ‘In my bubble’ zinehelps you to record what life has been like in your bubble and a chance to use your imagination. Imagine if you had been in your bubble with your favourite singer, sports hero or a house full of talking animals?
  • The ‘Back in my day’ zinecan help you to share the story of someone in your community that might live alone, a family member far away or perhaps you have just found it hard to find the time to stop and hear about what life was like for someone older when they were your age.
  • Or perhaps use our blank zine template to create your own story.

Download the instructions on how to make your own zine here.

Hot tip: If you don’t have a printer at home, ask a grown up to carefully trace the zine template off the computer screen. Screens can be a bit fragile so it is important to ask for help.

We’d love to see and share your zine creations and stories of our community – you can email us a picture of them to education@dowse.org.nz, post them to Petone Settlers Museum, PO Box 30396, Lower Hutt, or drop them into the museum when we reopen.

So call your grandparents, your neighbours, or perhaps a family friend, and together let’s add to our house of stories.

Contact details

Please note that booking is essential. For more information, updates and bookings please contact:

Education Team
E: education@dowse.org.nz