We collect, use, and disclose the personal information you provide which includes your full name, your date of birth, the address where your dog(s) is kept, your residential address, your postal address if different from your residence, your contact number, and your email address to:
- enable you to register your dog with HCC
- communicate with you about your dog registration
- keep you informed of situations that may impact your dog, such as environmental hazards
- seek feedback on proposed changes that may impact you as an owner
- enable HCC to maintain records and carry out statutory functions.
The collection of this information is required by the Dog Control Act 1996 (the Act) Section 34.
- Council collects and stores the information you provide as part of dog registration in order to:
- Carry out our regulatory functions relating to dog ownership.
- Keep you informed of situations that may impact your dog, such as environmental hazards.
- Seek feedback on proposed changes that may impact you as a dog owner.
- Communicate with you about your dog’s registration.
Updates are provided via text message and email. You have the right to access and correct information about you held by the Council. Please reach out with any questions via 04 570 6666 or animals@huttcity.govt.nz
The supply of this information is mandatory, except for your email address. If you fail to provide any of the information the Council may be unable to process your application, and it could lead to an infringement notice being issued.
Disclosure of the information you provide may be authorised by the Act.
View the Dog Control Act 1996.
Under sections 35 and 35A of the Act, the name and address of the owner of any specified dog can be requested by any person which may include agencies such as the New Zealand Police, Dept of Conservation, other Territorial Authorities, SPCA, veterinarians, Biosecurity Inspectors, Kainga Ora.
Such a request must be a written application and must be for one of the specified purposes, such as being in relation to a charge concerning an offence or alleged offence against the Animal Welfare Act 1999, claiming compensation for damage to property, or returning a dog to its owner where it is not practicable to impound the dog in our shelter.
View the Animal Welfare Act.
The information you provide may also be shared with the following third-party organisations:
- National Dog Database, as required by the the Act. This was established by the Department of Internal Affairs to compile and maintain a national dog control information database.
- Dataprint, who is contracted by the Hutt City Council to provide mail services and a cloud-based document portal. You can view the Dataprint Privacy Notice online.
- Kiteworks, which is a secure file sharing platform that facilitates the sending of information to Dataprint securely. You can view the Kiteworks Privacy policy online.
- MailChimp, an email platform used to communicate with dog owners during the renewal period, in bulk, with service reminders regarding registration. Your email is added to the mailing list, however, if you wish to opt out of this mailing list you can request to be unsubscribed using the link in the initial email you receive. If you have requested to be unsubscribed from MailChimp email dog registration reminders you will not receive any further communication in this format as your email address will have been removed from the mailing list. You can view the MailChimp Privacy Statement online.
- Debt collection agencies, for the purposes of debt collection, should dog registration remain outstanding. You can view the Baycorp Privacy policy online.
CCTV and Wearable Camera Footage
The Animal Services team also utilises CCTV and wearable cameras to collect image and video evidence. Personal information may be collected via the use of these tools. The main purpose of CCTV and wearable cameras is to minimise the risk of personal harm to staff or the public, but the information collected can also be used to support enforcement action. This information may be shared with other individuals and/ or agencies, such as the Police. Images and video footage are stored on secure systems and are deleted after 30 days, unless required for longer, and are only accessible by authorised staff.
You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it’s wrong.
If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or have it corrected, please contact the Animal Services Team in writing at animals@huttcity.govt.nz or come in and see us at 21 Meachen St, Seaview, Lower Hutt 5010 with proof of your identity (e.g. valid drivers licence or passport).
For more information see the Hutt City Council Privacy Policy.