Hutt City business data

Find key facts and figures on how our well our economy is performing.

Quarterly monitor reports

We receive quarterly economic monitor reports including data on the local economy, including building consents, employment, job advertising and EFTPOS data. These are published by Infometrics around 7 weeks after each three month period.

View the latest quarterly interactive report online.

Annual economic profile

An annual profile for Lower Hutt is published annually just before March with data from the year before. The profile details on types of business, where jobs are being created, specific sectors and productivity.

Our economy at a glance: an infographic

Consumer spending

We access monthly consumer and retail spending data from Marketview that contains spend origin, shop category and location. Read

We follow MBIE's electronic card spending dashboard tracking out city's and country's trends throughout the Covid19 response.

Explore the Regional Economic Activity web tool published by MBIE for indicators on housing, workforce, education, populations, income and GDP.

Business confidence and insights

A regular business confidence survey checks the pulse of Hutt Valley business owners and is collated by the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce.

We also keep track of what’s happening through our relationships with business and developers, and regular research. The Mayor, Chief Executive and our business team regularly visit businesses to better understand needs and how we can help.

Contact details

  • Email:
  • Telephone: +64 04 570 6666 | 0800 488 824