Application for responsible dog owner status


Application information

This is Step Two of your Responsible Dog Owner Application.

Before completing this application and making payment, please ensure you have passed the online responsible dog owner knowledge test.

There is a one-off application fee of $72.00 to apply for Responsible Dog Owner status. When you click 'Pay and submit application' you will be transferred to our online credit card payment processor Windcave.

If you don't proceed to payment, or your payment is unsuccessful, we won’t receive your application. If you have any enquiries, you can contact the Animal Services team.

Please enter details and submit to apply

All fields marked with * are required.

(If you would like an emailed receipt, please enter your email here)
Details of all Dog/s
Dog Name* Dog ID or Tag Number* Microchip number*

If you have multiple dogs please photograph all vaccination certificates in one image. If you can't do this please get in touch to supply your additional certificates.

I consider that I meet the following criteria:

  1. I am aware of my obligations as a dog owner under the Dog Control Act 1996 and Hutt City Council Control of Dog Bylaws.
  2. I agree to comply at all times with the Dog Control Act 1996 and Hutt City Council Control of Dog Bylaws.
  3. Registration fees for my dog/s has/have been paid by 31 July each year.
  4. The area of the property that my dog/s has/have access to is fully fenced and gated.
  5. Persons entering the property have free access without encountering the dog/s.
  6. My dog/s is/are currently vaccinated and has/have regular vet checks.
  7. My dog/s is/are microchipped.

If asked, I can demonstrate to an Animal Control Officer:

  • My dog/s can be controlled on and off the leash, and in different situations.

I understand if I move address within Lower Hutt, I must contact Animal Services to transfer my RDO status to my new address.

I have not:

  • received a conviction under the Dog Control Act 1996 (including 2003 amendment).
  • received an infringement notice for the behaviour of any dog in my care within the past year.
  • had a dog impounded in the last year.
  • had a substantiated public complaint about the behaviour of any dog in my care over the past year.

In submitting this application, I declare that I meet and will continue to meet the criteria listed on this form.

I understand that Council will take the submission of a false declaration, or evidence that I am not complying with the Dog Control Act 1996, the Animal Welfare Act 2012, or the Hutt City Council Control of Dog Bylaws, very seriously and that it may result in:

  1. Prosecution or other court action.
  2. An infringement fee being issued.
  3. Cancellation of and inability to reapply for my RDO status for a minimum of two years.

Hutt City Council does not refund an RDO application in the event of it being unsuccessful. However, refunds may be granted on an individual basis after discussion with Hutt City Council Animal Services, for example if overpayment has occurred.

Once you have successfully paid for your RDO application, the application will proceed and you can only cancel it by discussion with a Hutt City Council Animal Services Officer.